Critical Theme #2: Globally Connected Learning

Feb 22, 2011 at 1:39 AM by Terry Godwaldt

Based on your discussions, a "Globally Connected" school, was a common theme. Please use this discussion thread to share some ideas of what this might look like in our 21st Century School, i.e. Clubs, Extra Curricular, in class work, etc.

4 Replies

Feb 23, 2011 at 3:33 PM

A question we could pose in terms of this theme is this: what kinds of activities would we teach in gym class, or what kinds of clubs and extracurriculars would we offer?

I believe that we should offer activities, clubs, and extracurriculars that are globally shared among the country. Soccer is a well known sport world wide. This is just a small example. I believe this is a question we should pose during our video conference.

Feb 23, 2011 at 5:59 PM

I think this is an important aspect that should be incorporated into the alberta curriculum as globalism is becoming increasingly fundamental and essential for the world outside of high school and university and into the world of work. In the UK, Religious Education and Citizenship are key aspects of the curriculum in order to diminish ignorance to certain races and ethnicities etc, perhaps we could do the same? Also, sport is an international way of "bonding" or coming together, we should demonstrate this in our schools and express the need to do so, for example by playing more football or soccer as it is called in canada and also clubs such as club international. Here in sal we do offer clubs such as model UN and I think this is great and will aid the younger generation such as ourselves in the future.

Feb 28, 2011 at 9:35 PM

I think that best way to "learn globablly" is just to talk to other people, plain and simple. Since we have all of this new and exciting technology that allows us to connect with people across the world, why not use it? It would be a really cool experience if schools had a program were you could even just 20 minutes a week talking to someone of a different background, just to get an idea of what their day to day life is like and how it differs from our own.

Feb 28, 2011 at 11:42 PM

Globally Connected Learning should become an important aspect of the 21st century education system. I believe that it's important for youth to understand cultures and learn about countries and their traditions different than there own. The ways mentioned above are great ways to incorporate global learning with education. I think that exchange programs should also be offered to students, both with school and also out of school programs. Many schools fo offer exchange programs or means for their student to be involved in an exchange program. These programs should definitely be continued in schools, or if schools do not offer them, they should be offered.