
Banana | Da Boss | Nice Person!, Del Monte | A Very Secret Organization (That I will not name) | The Community!
Canada Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Languages : English
  • Last Login : Jan 7, 2010

About Me

I'm a loner, that likes to sit in the back of the class and make origami. I'm also Asian. I like acting mean toward other students and I kick cute puppies.

No I lied... I'm actually a super-duper buff guy from Hawaii (or whatever), I like to pick up chicks, and stuff, dude. So, peace and alloha - may the board be with you, if not, I hope you don't get malaria for visiting me, because you probably want to. Alright, maaan.

Ok, I didn't lie about anything - I kidded. In fact, I'm a very goofy person so I like silent animal farts because when I smell them, I know it was an animal because there was no sound, but there was a smell. I like animals, and girls, and books, and girls, and farts, and girls, and the Oilers! Fart you later!

Now, if you have managed to read through all that crap (or scrolled down), you are worthy of reading this, but it may be more boring. =)
My name is Yuriy. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I moved here from Ukraine a little more than 9 years ago and I can speak, read, and write the language well. I go to Queen Elizabeth High School, which is actually a great school, because I know you wouldn't believe me, or anything. I'm optimistic, positive, and kind. Also, I don't like anything, I strongly dislike everything that begins with a "B" or is the colour burgundy, and I don't like you. Good thing everything I say is a lie... except that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that... and that. It's not true, I don't lie. I may be "goofy" some of the time, but it's all with good intentions. =) Sorry for the long Bio, even though it wasn't that much of a bio. =)
Family Guy and House are my favourite shows. I think they are both witty, interesting, funny, (somewhat edumacational) and free to express their beliefs and understandings. =)