fatih aktas

Student, Queen Elizabeth Highschool
Canada Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Languages : English, Turkish
  • Last Login : Apr 6, 2011

About Me

My name is Fatih Aktas. I was born in the european side of Istanbul, Turkey. My family however is from the Black Sea region. I came to North America when i was 6 years old. First we started living with our cousins in America, but soon we went to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. After living in Hamilton for 4 years we decided to move to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We decided to travel there by car. It took us four days to finally arrive in Edmonton. We've been living here for 5 years now, occassionally going back to Turkey and Hamilton to visit friends and family. There are times when i miss Turkey, my relatives, and the way of life there. I enjoy both countries however, both of them having their own pro's and con's. I speak both Turkish and English fluently, along with a little french and arabic. I prefer Turkish over English. I have learned to adapt to the way of life here in Canada. My quality of life is high considered to those less fortunate in other developing countries. Im not of the wealthy class here in Edmonton, just the average. But i find no reason to complain or want more when i know how fortunate i am. This is all the information i am willing to share.

  • My Interests
    Religious Freedom

  • Countries I've visited
    United StatesUnited States