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5 Replies
Wow it's amazing how he suffered through so much but still advocates for world peace and rights for others. Not many people could do that
I like how basically he (UofA) said you don't have the right to your rights you have to fight for them. This is very true and I don't think we realize as people from Canada and the US that we are given our rights from birth and we have never had to sacrifice our own lives or our friends lives just so we can have the rights that we believe are our birth right.
Agreed. Many of us don't realize how fortunate we really are, or fully understand what people in other parts of the world are going through. They are being oppressed and fighting for rights and freedoms that we take for granted everyday. People are fighting for democracy while many Canadians don't even take the opportunity to vote. I think we as Canadians need to be more aware and grateful for the freedom we have in our country.
Apr 13, 2011 at 11:11 AM