we see people on the news everyday being pulled out from the wreckage and devastation in haiti. a nation hit quickly by catastrophe leaving thousands dead. despite the devastation, however, people are binding together in the toughest of times and are really proving to mankind how much love and compassion can be in one's heart and how a nation can bring together the whole entire world. So answer the question: how strong can one nation be?
6 Replies
The country Haiti has faced disaster once and will face it once again because of its geographical placement. They Haitians will pull throuh this as a whole for good. When the earthquake hit they stuck together and sat on the ground waiting to see their loved ones. I believe that they will make it through becasue they will never give up until its back to normal.
Very strong, the Haitian spirit is still going strong. The elders are still on the streets singing along to there own tunes and songs
In Haiti the binding of the country is becoming strong. We hope to make this binding really strong so that if another earthquake might happen the people will be strong and know how to come together. Haiti can be a very strong country.
Well as much as Haiti brought people together news teams in Canada have already slowly stopped talking about Haiti. Most reporters have already left the country and it seems like everyone feels thier job is done. The real question is not how strong can one nation be, but how strong can the entire world be? We need to continue to work together to work together so that Haiti can become and EVEN make the country better than it was before. We are too placed on just giving enough we need to be able give more so that what we should aim for. So again the question how strong can one nation be is not our goal but how stong can many nations be? Yeah that's all I think I can think of...
I think it is amazing that they have gone through all that. Some people were trapped in the rocks that have fallen and if i was trapped i wouldn't be able to believe that I coud live for more than three days. So I think that because one nation has gone through so much together that that nation could be as strong as it wants to be. Stronger then any other nation. I think that the people of haiti are very strong and are probably able to go through anything that comes at them!
"When it is dark, You see the stars" (paraphrase of a Persian Proverb
You truly are embodying this. As we seek to assist Haiti, it is important that we work in partnership. We should offer this help in a manner that respects the people and their strengths. We are learning that the Haitians have much to share with us in this reciprical act of peace - assisting each other in times of darkness so that we might clear the clouds and see the stars.
Shelby B High Park
Feb 11, 2010 at 3:18 PM