Lesson 2.2 - The Mess we Created - Reflect on Lesson 2.2's quotation

Nov 30, 2009 at 1:34 AM by Terry Godwaldt

‚And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the
cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man
could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He
could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away
that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with
plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles
and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and
cried: "Look at this Godawful mess."
~ Art Buchwald

81 Replies

Calebe Dias Gonçalves
Dec 2, 2009 at 9:02 PM

The man is so intelligent. He used this ability to create comfort, but sometimes this comfort is not viable to the environment. We need to find the balance between nature and us.

Dec 3, 2009 at 1:21 PM

Should the man not use the plastic bags tin cans and such to make more? or is the man oblivious to the fact that they can be resued?

April Grace Petrascu
Dec 7, 2009 at 10:52 PM

I believe that Art Buchwald had made a very good point here. Though we humans created many things like plastic bags, to make our lives easier and more comfortable, we also do not like facing the consqences that we have left, and like blaming the mess on someone else. If we are to live in such simplicity and comfort, we should be able to do so in a wise manner and take care of what the outcome of our actions are.

John Hanley
Dec 8, 2009 at 7:04 PM

Some great comments in this thread. Yes, we need to take responsibility for what our "conveniences" do to the environment. We should be finding a balance, and part of that balance is definitely in reusing and recycling where we can.

Great comments!

Gabriel Gana
Dec 14, 2009 at 1:34 PM

The comforts that man has created may inevitably lead to his inconvinience. Hence such is the paradox that has befallen on him. But if ray of hope may shine upon him, then that will be the day when he has found a better way.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:29 PM

Uhh, I guess that man was so preoccupied with creating the "perfect life" for himself that he didn't relize the disaster he was createing along the way. Man made all these objects in hope that life would be more comfortable for himself but instead created a world where he was no longer comfortable and had created his own disaster.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:32 PM

We created all these things for convenience without much foresight into the consequences. Now that we've realized and seen the effects of the consequences, we're too accustomed to the convenience and refuse to do anything about it. If it's easy, we'll do it that way. If it's got negative repercussions we'll ignore them and push off the solution for tomorrow. The easiest way out is to throw everything away, so that's what we're doing because that's how we roll in this generation.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 04:36 PM by: SWYS

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:34 PM

Humans want to make their life as easy as possible. Honestly were a lazy race. Unfortunately our laziness has led to a terrible disaster. We are ruining the world. Humans always thought that there would be enough resources and land area that would never run out. Well the time has come, the world is coming to an end DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN

Angelica Maldonado
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:35 PM

This quote can bring up many arguments. see, for me, i think "well, how ELSE can we do all those things?" "what do you expect us to do?" and at the same time, i dont agree this all the mess these items are creating. i mean, the earth was made for all of us to share equally. But creating all this garbage is a disatvantage for the animals, in the first place and in the end, for us too. I dont think we will change our ways till its too late.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:40 PM

All man wants is a life full of comfort and luxury, the 'perfect life'. So to do this he creates simple machines/products, because he thinks hes soo intelligent. This however can lead to disastrous messes that we may or maynot realize are happening because of us. Though just because we leave a mess doesnt mean we can't clean it up or reduce it and make sure it doesn't happen again next time.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:40 PM

This quote simplifys all that is enviromentally wrong with the world. We succeed in advancing and then succeed in our own undoing. We have tin and plastic, which is great it makes life easier . But then we get something newer; titanium and we throw away our tin. The world needs to know when to stop advancing and be complacent with what we already have and innovate that instead.

This post was edited on: 2010-01-07 at 10:29 AM by: cma5

Youssef Merhi
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:43 PM

Humans are intelligent, but are also a lazy kind. We do anything possible to make it so life is easier and people could live easier but by doing that we are creating so much garbage in the world that sooner or later, there isn't going to be enough space for us to store this garbage. The world is going to be so polluted. So polluted that it is unbearable for humans to live in. That is what the quotation is stating.

Arooj Naz
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:48 PM

The creation of aluminum and tin etc. that was made by humans is very comforting to our lifestyles. They are very helpful but at the same time destructive if misused. At the moment we are misusing our new comforting products, therefore, destroying ourselves. If we would like to continue the use of the products, we must have a balance between nature and the usage.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:49 PM

Art Buchwald is a very intelligent man in order to analyze man's future when it comes to the mess that they are creating. The piles and piles of aluminium cans, disposable bottles and paper plates that go into the landfils will in the end will be catastropically high that we will have no way to change it. The sad thing is that most of our waste is recycleable.

Ashley Polny
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:51 PM

This means that man was too occupied in making things more convenient and easier that we didn’t stop and think about the consequences that would result. Now man has to try and fix all that he destroyed before it becomes too late. This is definitely a life lesson for our race. Yes this showed that we are a lazy race but we can change that status and hopefully become a resolving race. WE CAN DO IT!!

melissa bachlelder
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:51 PM

We humans want to make everything as easy as possible. So we invent all these products to help us to be lazy. We think that these products are the best. But do we ever stop to think about what we are doing to the enviornment when we throw these things away? As we buy more and invent more things to help us move through life easily, we are putting more pollution into the world.We may not notcie it now but a few years from now there may not be any parks to enjoy , no beaches or rivers ; they will be gone because of the pollution.

Kristen Mickelsen
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:56 PM

We as man, always seems to think of new inventions to benefit mankind and mankind only. As brilliant and insightful as they may be in the beginning, they never seem to hold onto their position in the long run. Our smart concoctions are equal to habitat destroying and toxins to the animal kingdom. A new car in Italy can horribly scar a baby gorilla in Brazil. The distance doesn’t matter, we’re all affected in this great big world of ours.

Leona Ma
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:56 PM

The use of the plastic bag, tin and aluminium can, the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate have benefited humans for years. The build-up of garbage from these materials have grown for years. We can't do much about that issue but we can change our ways: instead of using these things, we could consume re-usable products and lower the amount of trash we put into the environment. The question isn't whether or not we can, but whether or not we will.

Joanne Bendle
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Well, the man may seem smart along the way, creating new technologies and conveniences to "help" make their lives easier. But may I point out that as stated many times through out human history, that humans aren't perfect. So who could of ever begin to think that such great, and wonderful new technologies could produce so many unwanted and unnessisary wastes. This problem couldn't of been predicted untill it was too late, after we have already become so reliant and dependant on theses new technologies that are ultimatly speeding up the rate of caous, or even to more extremes, such as human extinction.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Man is the most powerful organism in the world. it is for this reason that we bieing men and women in this day and age, that it falls to us to protect our world. weneed to find a balance between our economy and growth and our enviroment. If we do this not only will we have a booming economy and continuous groth of technology but we will grow old and see our children play in the summer AND the winter.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:58 PM

This quote represents our own mistakes, and how we are not bothering to fix them , instead we go around telling others how much we messed up, and that we "should" do something about it, but who would put that money, time, and effert, while we could be making that money and becoming rich and wealthy. Nothing happens over night and no man can make a huge impact standing alone. 99% of us are just observers, waiting for the destruction of our earth. merely that 1% is trying to fix a planet inhabited by billions.

greg stringfelow
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:00 PM

All man wants is a life full of comfort and luxury, the 'perfect life'. So to do this we creates simple machines/products, because we think were intelligent. This however can lead to disastrous messes that we may or may not realize are happening because of us. Though just because we leave a mess doesn’t mean we can't clean it up or reduce it and make sure it doesn't happen again next time. So pick up your plastic bags and tin cans and recycle.

Caitlynn Court
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:03 PM

The main reason the envrionment is so messed is up is basically said in this quote. We make all these "things" that we think will help make our lifes better and end up totally taking advantage of it. We discard it like it's nothing and think that someone else will take care of it, when no one does. People are so wrapped up in their own lives that they can't see how we are distroying the most important thing that is in our lives. And when we do wake up and finally see what we have done or are doing it'll be too late. We'll be thinking "what have we done?" and "why didn't we fix it when we had the chance?"

This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 05:05 PM by: CCourt

cassidy r
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:03 PM

I guess this is another example of the tunnel vision that possesses man. While man was making the perfect world paradoxically destroyed it. So narrow minded was man, so much did his precognitive ability lack that it seems man is rather impulsive, and later the impulsiveness turns into something uncooperative and stubborn. This is represented presently in the global response to climate change. The reason there is such a push for climate change is because not very many people are taking actions to reverse its effects. Now we can all point fingers and say "Well some of its not out fault." or "Global warming is a natural cycle" but the bottom line is that its still happening and unless we all pitch in it will continue to progress down an unfriendly path.

jassy bajinder
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:03 PM

This quote represents a person who is concerned about the affect man is having on the Earth. Many people think man is a cancer to the planet but in my personal opinion this quote is exaggerating. It's true that man is polluting the earth on an epic scale, but to say that so much trash will pile up that we won't have anywhere to go is a bit absurd. It is trying to say that if we keep going down the road we are it might happen, but man is also cleaning "The Mess" he created.

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:04 PM

What This art Buchwald says is 100% true. We discovered this new technologies in hopes of replacing the obsolete without any repercussions, however little did we know that these miracles were "curses in disguised." now we've grown to complacent with these new technologies and are almost unable to cut down without sending our selves back to the dark ages.

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:14 PM

This quote means that we created the conditions that the Earth is in today because we couldn’t control ourselves with all the new technology. If we would’ve taken care of what we did, then the world would not be in the state it is in today. To reverse this, you can start to reuse, reduce and recycle. We can also use fewer products on an everyday basis. If we didn’t get carried away in the past, we wouldn’t have this problem today, so we wouldn’t need to reverse this.

Younis Soufi
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:18 PM

"What comes around, goes around" This is a famous quote made from some dead guy that I think helps explain the moral of the poem. Because Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can, he changed the way people lived. But when man no longer needed further use of these non-renewable objects, the earth was soon terribly flooded with plastic bags and aluminum cans, and this affected people’s ways of life forever.

Megan Shmyr
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM

Humans can be very intelligent but at the same time very unwise. We've created so many items aound our convenience but there is a point at which that that is convenient becomes inconvenient. Too much of anything is a bad thing. People create products without thinking about the consequences, and most of the time, like in the quote, we don't see the "mess" we've created until it becomes so big that we just can't avoid it like we used to. We can't just hide it under the bed or in our closet because it comes spilling out around our ankles. That's when try to clean things up but the rate at wich we make the mess is much greater than that at which we clean it up. So, instead of it getting better it continues to get worse and it all comes back to, gosh I sound like a broken record, the selfishness we have and our unwillingness to let go of our prescious treasures.

Kyle Jakub
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:24 PM

I don't know what to say to this post. Congrats to him for pointing out yet ANOTHER obvious flaw/problem with our lifestyle, I suppose. I think this quote nicely shows the "what comes around, goes around" line, saying that the garbage we make in factories ends up as garbage on the ground. Oh, surprise surprise.
In my opinion, the author of that quote is no more intelligent than anyone else ranting about environmental issues. The quote simply states specific things that everyone thinks/knows causes problems, and puts them into a pretty, organized quote that seems to only exaggerate the stupidity of mankind and the apparent doom we are "already facing".

Alex Sagdahl
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:27 PM

This I can relate to. I'm always asking why the previous generation had to dump this problem on us, the newer generation. They carelessly messed up the planet and sit there and complain about it yet nothing is getting done, they're too accustomed to their care free lives to start doing anything to fix the problem. Instead it is left up to us and i think we need compensation, I think world leaders should really take this seriously and start a "clean up" agreement, not only us doing all of the work.

Angela Wu
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:27 PM

My gosh, this man is a GENIUS! This just goes to show how wasteful people are!! What do you use after going to WalMart? PLASTIC BAGS. What do you eat from if you're too busy to cook? TIN CANS. Even if there's a push and encouragement to become less wasteful, most people still don't follow it because it's optional. People have no motivation to be enviromentally friendly, we don't think about what we buy and what we use. If it's cheap and convenient, people will buy it.

David Marchand
Dec 14, 2009 at 7:20 PM

RichardPham wrote:

Should the man not use the plastic bags tin cans and such to make more? or is the man oblivious to the fact that they can be resued?

That's exactly it. People are too busy looking for the easiest scapegoat we often overlook the obvious. Anybody hear remember back in elementary when we first learned about the " Three R's " all of those years ago ? Apparently, because it's seeming that the easiest of tasks such as Re-Using a plastic bottle is much too difficult even with the fate of our planet at stake.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:25 PM

"And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the
cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man
could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He
could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away
that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with
plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles
and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and
cried: "Look at this Godawful mess.'"

These kinda articles are really repetitive, we should find better ways to reach people. Instead of filling us with the same BS. To be brutally honest if this continues then the whole hype about global warming will die out and nothing will be done. Instead of these ubsurb articles we should be posted daily on whats being done instead of what we hope is going to be done.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:29 PM

Although man created all of lifes luxuries, we cant seem to bring our selfs to try and fix our problems. in creating all of this we have started to destroy our planet and make life less sustainable on earth. we need to realize that since we created the mess we need to in turn take the effort to clean it up and fix the problems we have created.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM

Exactly, how long do we have to discuss the same solutions over and over again. It's pretty dam clear what needs to be done, so lets do it. There's been enough talking, lets see some results for once!

Carlos Alaeddine
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:38 PM

Man kind took the many resources that the world generously provided for us and corrupted them into something terrible. We used things like lumber and oil to make our lives more convenient and easy. Man kind is at a point of mass deforestation. This trashed the world creating land fills, polluted rivers and a high amount of carbon dioxide in the air. The only way to fix the world is to go back to a point in our lives where everything wasnt as convenient but it kept the enviornment safe. smile

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:39 PM

This quote states a very strong point. Man has created new technologies and inventions that are supposed to improve our standard of living. These new creations have made our lives more comfortable and easier to live, but this comes with a cost. As we come up with more of these ‘amazing’ inventions, our planet is being affected negatively. The invention of these new technologies are using up our world’s resources, as well as destroying the place we call home.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:39 PM

Our nature as humans is to take and take and take and to not give anything back. But in this case it will not work we will have to take action and do something about the amount of waste we use before the point of no return. We only think about what is best for us and how to make life easier for us (even though we have it easy as it is). But all this laziness has to stop, we have to change our ways and start cleaning up our own messes fast! Because this time if we don’t then the consequences of our actions will be too great for us to handle.

Cassie Sontag
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM

I believe this quote to be a perfect reflection of mankind today. We use our resources to create things we can use, and then complain when our actions come around and bite us in the butt. For instance, we make all these useful items out of materials that are not recyclable, and then we get upset when they clog up our landfills. Humans are hypocrites. We need to learn to think before we act, and understand what consequences will arise due to our actions. People need to start making an effort to recycle and reuse certain materials and products, or else, soon enough we will find ourselves in a pile of our own trash.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM

Yeah your right. Honestly, we all have to take a hit for the team here. What's more important convenience or a place to live ? Currently we are making the wrong decision by not listening to the many warnings for decades now.

Angela Linton
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:41 PM

This is so true! I mean we have created such a mess and have actually made all the things to make a mess. Then after we are done with it we just throw it away not really caring what's going to happen to the environment or anyone. We need to take action and own up to what mess we have made and this quote has showed us exactly what we have done and now it's time to change it.

Kelsy Moffatt
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:41 PM

Man created this mess, Man needs to fix it. There’s no way to hide behind other people. We all use these and it’s a matter of using things wisely and being conscious of what we use. The world did not come to be this dump because Man just made these things. People use the products and just dispose of them because suddenly we have things we can use it once and throw it out. And now we get the brunt of this laziness. Things can be reused and recycled, but instead, they make a dump out of our Earth. One man can “Look at this mess”, but he needs supporters in order to fix the mess.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:42 PM

This is like saying we dug our own grave. Which in reality, we did. We created what we thought were helping us, in a way, but it also a catalyst to our destruction. We took from the land and turned the resources into usable products, but all we gave back to our the land was waste and destruction. We need to learn how to conserve our Earth which sustains us and lets us grow. We need to find the equilibrium between nature and us.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:44 PM

What I get from this is that man is stupid. He created comforts to make life easier and in the process destroys the earth and then complains about it. So what good are those plastic plates if theres no room for man to use it. The whole point of them were to make mans life easier but they in the end caused more harm the good. So what was the point of inventing the plastic plates in the first place if they are of no use in the end?

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:44 PM

This quote has an ironic bite to it that really got my attention. It explains how we buy and create all this useless garbage, then we throw it away carelessly because at the moment we have no use for it, ignoring the thought that it might be useful later on. After all that in the ned we still end up complaining about the mess, even though we brought it upon us. The only people we can blame for global warming and pollution is ourselves. This would not be an issue were it not for the fact that we keep making more and more garbage everyday. Yes there is recycling, but not everyone in the world recycles. We all say that we want to save the planet but when it comes to actually doing anything, we change our minds and go with the easier way which is creating more pollution. We complain and complain but really we are all being hypocritical and the joke is going to be on us when we have no home in fifty years.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:45 PM

Yeah no kidding, it's about time we stop "shaking our heads" and doing something worthwhile. We don't have much time here, so it's well past the time to get a move on.

Saba Al Hammouri
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:45 PM

We humans create things for our own leisure and our own convenience even if it’s inconvenient for the environment. We rarely think about the consequences until we reach the point of no return and we look back at the mess that we have made and then we realize that we screwed up. We are used to seeing our messes get cleaned up by other people and then the messes disappear but now our messes are slowly catching up to us and one day there will be no way and no where for them to disappear to.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:46 PM by: salhammouri

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:45 PM

This quote shows everyone the reality of the situation that we are currently living in. As humans we create things and come up with new inventions but we never know how it will affect the environment. We all think that these inventions are so great but no one ever seems to question how we will get rid it after it is broken or used. The earth has cycles for the things that came with it but it doesn’t know how to deal with our new creations. These inventions have benefited mankind in general but it is helping in ruining our planet. To get rid of these items we have to do things like burn them which produces more pollution. This contributes to the global warming that we see today. We can recycle some of these items but not everyone does and this is affecting our planet. I agree with what Art Buchwald has to say because it is something that many of us had probably not though of until now.

Austin Shaw
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:47 PM

I believe that this post is very intelligent. The worlds rapid advance in items used for "convenience" should be thought through more wisely. The lazy culture and bad habits of human culture are leading our planet downhill. The resources are slowly getting scarce, and the land is getting more damaged. We could all work together to slowly rebuild the world, if people were to recycle and reuse their materials.

Michael West
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:48 PM

This quote is very intelligent because man created all of these things to make life easier and to make things cleaner. It is ironic because we made these things to make life easier but in the end they just accumulated and make a mess. These things are used to make life easier so people keep making them and they don’t care if they are bad for the environment because they are easy to make and they make life easier.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:49 PM

This statement is completely true in how our environment is being tainted by human waste. Every household produces so much waste such as cans, bottles, plastics, foils, and cardboards. If we want to protect the environment, we must develop efficient methods on how to deal with our waste properly. Governments and citizens should take initiative in reducing, reusing, and recycling our products. The more waste is recycled means that less amounts of waste will end up in our garbage. All these garbage materials end up in the landfills or ineffectively disposed somewhere on our planet. Also, policies must be created to stop people from littering. Everywhere you walk there is a piece of garbage on the ground somewhere. If there is a penalty against this, people will not be mindlessly disposing their waste anywhere they please. It IS possible for our way of life to be destroyed by disastrous amounts of human waste that accumulate and take up great space on our planet.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:49 PM

Time has allowed us to see many technological advancements. However, not all of these advancements have been positive. Is the tree required to make your paper plate worth killing for a disposable plate? Is the coltan metal mined for your cell phone worth the loss of gorilla habitat and death of workers? The lack of questions like these is the reason we have let ourselves destroy our planet. We continue to advance in many departments but are these short term advancements worth the negative long term effects? We need to use our knowledge and innovation to create advancements in the environmental world instead of creating more and more things that are destroying it. It seems that this quote addresses the fact that people don’t blame themselves for the state of our Earth, but they are only fooling themselves. The planet is home to everyone, and so the responsibility of everyone too.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:50 PM by: Cayley3457

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:49 PM

Sometimes man has to choose between what is right and what is easy. it's not always the easy choice, especially if it means it's a lot of hard work. it's one thing to say something, it's another to actually carry out what you say you're going to do. man, for the longest time, has done that. we say were going to go green, but we don't. and then we complain that were not doing anything. it's time we step up to the plate and take a swing for earth before we strike out.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:49 PM

When man had room to dump the mess they made, they were happy and proud of their discovery. Afterwards, when man saw the mess he created, he believed it was the work of others and not himself and therefore was ashamed of humanity. What he doesn’t know is that he was also a big contribution in the mess that was created.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:54 PM

I like Danny's revision to the original quote. Yes you are right, man is constantly looking for the easiest way out no matter what. Look what came of it, unhealthy habits and a once beautiful planet polluted and on the brink of disaster. Way to go Industrial Revolution!

Nancy Nguyen
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:55 PM

Man created tools to use to their disposal because they believed that this would improve their quality of life. But when these tools became responsible for the mess and disruption of the environment, they denied their part in this issue and put the blame on other tools such as vehicles and factories which MAN ALSO CREATED! This cycle of blame and creation is continuous and in the end man is still responsible for this "mess" that has been created.

Braydon Shaw
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:56 PM

Men have created their own mess, and this quote proves that. People designed all of these products believing that it would increase quality of life and benefit their lifestyle. Though we try to blame the current situation on past generations, people are using these products more frequently than ever before. Our earth is being destroyed, and at a rate that soon may not be reversible. More Transnational Companies such as Walmart are producing these products in mass quantities as a source of income, without much thought for the environment. By purchasing these products, we are encouraging them to produce more, which results in a larger mess.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:57 PM

Humanity was meant to rule over all of nature's resources but we tend to be selfish and have an endless list of "wants", because it's human nature to be so. Since it is us who caused the devestating changes in nature, it is also only us who can save ourselves. Think about it, it isn't that hard to turn back around BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE, we just all need to be motivated enough to stop taking Earth for granted and to start practicing more "eco-friendly" lifestyles. Many of us still live in our perfect little worlds and hear about how bad global warming is but don't do anything about it, they don't think they will be impacted in their life time. But what will happen to their great-great grandchildren? Earth will not be available for future generations if the generations living TODAY don't do anything about it, and those future generations will be the people who say "look at this godawful mess".

Abdallah Abu-Saris
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:57 PM

we are at the time of requestion of hope, new ideas, not critics. (besides he used toooooooo much ands in his writing)

Even though we're not supposed to forget threats, warnings, natural disasters, we still need to try and face them. See, facing one thing at a time is way easier that hitting everything at once. But unfortunatly, we already put everything on ourselves.
Seeing such verses and warnings however, does not help. what am i saying?

These "heed my warning" kind of stuff must be directed to specific age groups, this especially to teenagers, for them to not make the same mistakes as before. But the problem still exists.
It will always exist. As implied by whatever i wrote on this web before, its not what is happening, not what should happen, not what we can do, its us. We have to change as humans.

Emily Baines
Dec 15, 2009 at 5:09 PM

We keep trying to find the easy way out of everything, so then we get so lazy when the problem starts, we don't even know what to do about it! Look at all these landfills and pollution and what does it make, global warming! The worst problem to solve! But all we want to do is make a profit because it makes us "happy". The thing thats so easy to acheive, happiness, people think can only be bought with money, and having lots of it. Well looks like money will not get us out of this problem! Thats why we seem to keep putting if to the side, it won't get worse, it will stay the same! Uhmmm no, it has to start being solved now, or we will get in to deep, nothing could help! Come on people, stop being lazy, and start solving this problem!

Dec 15, 2009 at 5:09 PM

Art Buchwald is 150% correct, man is outsmarting themselves, they are creating all these brilliant technologies to allow them to live in comfort now, and not thinking about future implacations that these technologies bring. And when the good things that they made start to have bad effects, they look to blame everyone else. And when they can't, they turn a blind eye to the issue and keep it hush hush. So not only do they continue to make their products of pollution, but we continue to buy them, as we are unaware of the severity of the issue of global warming, otherwise known as climate change.

nour fares
Dec 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM

Just think. Maybe If we put a little thought in our actions, if we thought about the future rather than what’s convenient today, what’s easier today, what’s better for today’s economy. maybe if for once we thought of tomorrow and abandoned this plague that is shear selfishness; this plague that only burdens us, if not now than in the future. maybe the world would be a better,a greener place,maybe we could defeat climate change.

Dec 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM

Yep, the mess we created. All lthe reasons for envirroment problems, the exitinction of animals ,the habitat loss, or in the future...us! We, humans have literally created things for our own selfish, lazy reasons. The technology we created to help "live our lives better". The things we use have it's benefits, but thier was always disavantages that go with it. Like plastice bottles, cars, factoires to make different products and practicaly everything else we use and throw away unpropley affected our surrondings. Which ended up affecting us. We need to stop now, and access what we've done and start changing. Help save our lives from being terminated!

Dec 15, 2009 at 5:25 PM

We do what is easiest, not what is best for the Earth. For example, it's easier to use a plastic fork and throw it away. But it would be way better if you could keep reusing that fork for along time, instead of getting a new one, which would make the fork's "life" more efficient. The thing is, it's time to do what's "right", not what's easy. A choice we all have to make, sometimes over and over.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 5:37 PM

Yes it seems that we all have a clear grasp on the topic and what we need to start doing. My question is, when are enough people going to step up to the plate and actually do something about it? It's hard to be optimistic on such a depressing subject when it seems that people are just faining interest into it just because of a school assignment. Does anybody care enough to sacrifice the lifestyle they know and love for the sake of other? Hopefully, but most likely not.

gabriel vrhovac
Dec 15, 2009 at 10:08 PM

The time has come for the man to look at the change of scenery around him since he started producing his luxuries that seemed necessary at first but now have lost their shine. Should he be blamed for not knowing the consequence of his actions? "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke. Does the man have knowledge of previous civilizations who encountered the same problem and ended their exploitation of resources with their ultimate demise? Even so, it's not important that the man in the metaphor does but rather that we do.

gabriel vrhovac
Dec 15, 2009 at 10:10 PM

The time has come for the man to look at the change of scenery around him since he started producing his luxuries that seemed necessary at first but now have lost their shine. Should he be blamed for not knowing the consequence of his actions? "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke. Does the man have knowledge of previous civilizations who encountered the same problem and ended their exploitation of resources with their ultimate demise? Even so, it's not important that the man in the metaphor does but rather that we do.

Geneva Giang
Dec 15, 2009 at 10:47 PM

We created paper plates and tin cans and plastic bags for convenience but it all ends up as waste. Everyone just likes using them but no one wants to realize what these items have done to the earth. We are destroying the earth just so we can use things that are convenient for us. We created this mess so it's our job to fix it.

Dec 15, 2009 at 11:21 PM

This quote is interesting to read. It carries a strong message while with a funny sense. It brings forth the irony that humankind has created for himself.

We made the mess laughing and care-free now we are appalled at what we have created. It makes us sound stupid for reacting the way we do at what we have done.

Dec 22, 2009 at 10:12 PM

The humans were smart enough to make all these things to make life easier for him/her. So they should use the brain that they have to make wise decisions like not to litter because you're too lazy to throw it in the garbage bin or recycle. Many people are just too lazy to do things just because they have evreything easy for them, which isn't a problem till it comes to trashing earth and contributing to global warming which is not only effecting the people that are just being lazy but effecting evreyone in the planet especially when the majority of the world litter and just don't care.While people are trying evrething just to live in a nice clean world.

Dec 23, 2009 at 8:46 PM

The creation of aluminum cans and tin and has been very useful but at the same time very distrustful to mother nature. By creating all these garbage, it's ruining the environment and the animals. The thing is that we created all these things without realizing the consequences. This quote has many different sides to it and people have many different opinions about this. It’s not about arguing but about making a change and a difference before it’s too late.

Dec 24, 2009 at 2:51 PM

Us humans are always thinking of way to make our lives better, but sometimes we seem to not realize the results of it could be negative. Even after we do realize it though, for some reason were still doing all this harm to the environment instead of stopping it right away. Aparently its much better to let our planet start falling apart then to do a little more work to do something simple like always using reusuable bags.

Jan 4, 2010 at 2:32 PM

yes the truth is we man tend to go over board but the problem is not on what we have done but what we can do to correct it but the truth is we are to lazy and greedy to fix this problem.I think what we should do despite our breakthroughs and advertisements is to tone it down you know the tv's and game stations can stay but the cars should be given a rest but thats what i think you should do what you think can help like the three r's reduce reuse and recycle.

This post was edited on: 2010-01-07 at 08:05 PM by: hbihi1

jason dhaliwal
Jan 4, 2010 at 10:22 PM

The moral of the quotation is that convience is a double edged sword. Meaning it has a con for every pro and a pro for every con. At first these replacements seemed extremely sucessful in cutting down unnecessary costd, but in the end it costed more to clean up the paper bags drifting in the wind and taking off soda pop ring on animals. We need to find an idea, or even a resource that isnt polluting, environmently friendly, and renewable. But that is an utopian resource, hopefully we can create a similar one.

Marc Weber
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:51 PM

And again, most of these posts come down to the same thing: Global Warming is happening. See it. Accept it. Do something about it. Hahaha, not me. This problem wouldn't be happening if you would simply not throw your trash on the ground, or on a bigger scale, dump your factory wastes into the next river. Some problems would not have to be solved if they were to be prevented. I personally won't add to it, but I won't clean up after another person's "Mess we (WE!? More like YOUR mess) created".

This post was edited on: 2010-01-07 at 04:52 PM by: Murtagh

Jan 7, 2010 at 8:43 PM

Yes, the mess we created, started and never finished. We need to stop now, and build a new way of life. Like using less cars, less factory usage. Use more enviromently friendly stuff to help our planet from total destruction. It all began when we first started to think for ouselves, and we became really greedy and lazy. Start to reduce our electicity and stuff like that, and give back to the enivrooment rather then take, take. Stop this mess we created, we need to clean up our act!

Jan 7, 2010 at 9:34 PM

I think the quote by Art Buchwald describes our planet today. It’s true that people have been making what he describes as a huge mess on our planet. I believe that if we the humans of this world purchased and created items that we truly needed our planet would not be such a huge mess. I also believe that most times humans create or purchase items not foreshadowing the disaster and problems that they will have to face in the future because of their actions.

mohamed warsame
Jan 7, 2010 at 11:10 PM

This quote shows human's lack of foresight as a species and made things for our convenience. Then when it's too late they realize "convenience" had it's consequences. But fortunately it's not too late this time, but will we change? No, because its not "convenient". I say convenience with quotation marks because i question its conveniency. Is it really convenient? we make and use them easily,sure. But the mess that comes after is quite "godawful"

Jan 8, 2010 at 12:20 PM

i think that this lesson is stating points that we should look upon. Basically its saying that all the wrapers, bottles, and such we cant reuse them. We just eat the food and then throw the garbage away. Because of this there is so much garbage around it cant hold. So instead of throwing things away why not reuse them.

Kelsey Van Voorst
Jan 11, 2010 at 2:18 PM

I think the man was feeling smart when he created some of those things because they can be reused but in creating them, he also helped create a supply of health hazards that would be improperly discarded and be bad for the population and the planet. So not only does it make Earth look ugly, it causes a overwhelming problem that most people clean up by pouring it all in a hole, covering it with dirt and then building peoples residences by it.