The Inconvenient Truth Discussion Thread.

Nov 30, 2009 at 1:36 AM by Terry Godwaldt

So what do you think about this movie? Is Al Gore right? Is this merely one person's opinion? Do we need to listen to him at all?

This post was edited on: 2009-11-30 at 11:48 PM by: tgodwald

101 Replies

Kevin Capuno
Dec 3, 2009 at 1:24 PM

I think that this movie was very entertaining due to the fact that the movie is based on ones passion. Protecting the Earth and the environment is Al Gore's passion which makes the movie that much more special. The facts may be overexagerrated but that does not take away from the fact that we have to take action now to protect our Earth.

Dec 3, 2009 at 1:26 PM

the movie is intresting and contains lots of information but it means nothing if people look at it and say that its amazing but do nothing about it or ignore global warming.

Dec 3, 2009 at 1:37 PM

The first time I watched this movie was i believe in grade 7. I was astounded at the news of global warming, i never knew our earth was in such a bad state. This documentary was highly praised when it aired but after a few years people have long forgotten this issue and have moved along with their lives. We have made changes, but still our goverment and world leaders merely make promises that have no drive. I am grateful for him to have made this inconvient truth to be known to the public...but will it be enough to save our earth in time before it destructs?

April Grace Petrascu
Dec 7, 2009 at 10:45 PM

Me, in my honest opinion, before I had watched this movie, thought it would bore me to death ten minutes in, since it was another video about our own mother Earth. Boy, was I wrong. I was at the edge of my seat, my eyes glued to the screen through the entire movie. I must admit, this movie had changed my entire perspective about global warming. Al Gore carried his point so throughly that it has left a lasting impression on me. Thought Al Gore is famous for this movie, many, including my current self, believe that this point has to be weld into every human beings' mind and make it stay there for we are the future in our Earth's survival and this is our only home, no matter what NASA is trying to do with the moon.

John Hanley
Dec 8, 2009 at 6:57 PM

That's a good way to think of it, Kevin. Not everyone agrees with Al Gore. Some scientists have even poked a few holes in some of his arguments. But he obviously believes quite strongly that the world needs to act on climate change. And having a passion to care about our planet is a good thing. I think that is the main message we should take out of Al Gore's video. Whether or not we agree with him, we still should be concerned about our environment and do what we can to protect it.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:21 PM

It was pretty boring, high point was the Futurama clip. Al Gore does have a point though, global warming is a problem that should have been dealt with but wasn't, and now we have a serious problem to deal with. We should listen to his points on global warming, it is a threat and needs to be dealt with.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:23 PM

I think he is right, but it's not going to be as bad as everyuone thinks, the world is heading towards a point of no return but I don't think it's as soon as they think it is.
We need to do somethign while we still can but I do not think that it will have to be as drastic we think it will be, all economics won't end, and all industry won't have to have an abrupt stop to it.

Angelica Maldonado
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:27 PM

I thought this movie was very educational and in a way, scary. It gives us a frightening realization of what is going on RIGHT NOW. the things we used to take for granted, the things we used to surpass with excuse, now have to be closely payed attention to. almost anything, at this point,the smallest things, can throw everything else off. We have to start paying more attention to our imediate environment to make a positive impact on the rest of the world.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:28 PM

I believe that this movie was very eye opening, showing us our impacts on our environment. Al Gore is definitely right and has put a lot of effort into this so he knows what he's talking about. But he's only telling us what’s happening, it’s our job to listen to him and act upon it and bring about changes.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:29 PM

In my humble opinion, this movie was a wake up call to the human population. We need to take action now, or the world will not be around much longer. This movie displayed the facts in a people friendly way. It was entertaining, thats for sure. =)

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:30 PM

The movie was very informative to the current debate of global warming being created by humans of this decade. It provided us with scientific proof regarding this event. It is appauling how after this people can still believe that we are not the cause of this current natural disaster. In order to right the ship, we need to change our current daily activities and become more environmentally aware.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:33 PM

The Inconvenient Truth was an eye opener movie. Many skeptics can not look away from the hard evidence that is presented by Al Gore. Although the facts were solid, there is no suggestions to change the current state of the world. What can I do as a single person? This is the question I want answered but all I am recieving is more "this is bad we need to stop!"

Youssef Merhi
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I think the movie could have been more effective to the viewers if they made it more interesting to watch and more entertaining. I think the opinion of Al Gore was correct and needs to be followed by everyone. Al Gores thoughts maybe a little overexaggerated but we need to think that way if we want to protect our environment and make sure the Earth doesn't role over the peak.

Arooj Naz
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:36 PM

In my personal opinion, Al Gore's statements, provided with facts, are very relatable to the circumstances we are facing at this very moment. These circumstances will get much worse as time goes by if we dont act right now. I think the "Inconvinent Truth" applies to all man-kind and their actions. Eventually, because of our repeated mistakes, the next generations will suffer.

Ashley Polny
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:36 PM

I thought this movie was very educational towards the topic of global warming and climate change. I believe that because it was just one person that was giving his opinion (Al Gore) it made the discussion feel more like a one-on-one conversation which is a very effective way to send the message across. Al Gore gave very good and true information about the subject and we do need to listen to him because the longer we put this off, the more disastrous it will become.

Leona Ma
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:37 PM

The Inconvient Truth was a very monotone film about the ways humans are affecting the earth. This being said though, I believe that the statistics displayed in this film provided a visual medium as to how we saw ourselves in relation to the earth. Al Gore was somewhat entertaining in this film and that help me digest the information that he provided. I agree that some facts may have been overexagerated but it needed to be to leave an image that we weren't soon to forget.

jassy bajinder
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:40 PM

I think this movie was very well done and it made me think about the future generations. We are living in the now and we are taking for granted what we have NOW. In the future our children will live in a time where global chaos will rule. If they are to be saved then we need to be the ones to ultimately protect them from the upcoming future. Overall, this movie was amazing and Al Gore did a fantastic job.

melissa bachlelder
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:40 PM

I think that the movie was right onto the point. I think that if we want to perserve our world for generations to come we need to clean up our act.It may not be as bad as he made it out to be , but we are definatly very close. I also think that the movie was not a one person opinion.Throughout the movie He shows many different opinions.We should listen to him , and also act on his words.If we do this we can improve and save our world.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:41 PM

Al Gore is right we have to change our way of life to save our planet.If we continue on this path were on right now our children wont have a world to grow up in. As for the movie i found it quite eye opening and interestin, it really opened my eyes to the world and now ive changed my life to help save the world.

Joanne Bendle
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:44 PM

The way I look at it, the fact that the world will eventually either become to cold, or hot for humans to survive is inevatable. But whether we add to the matter by poluting, and destroying the oxygen producing forests is what I question. Our generation has created a lifestyle that we can't live without, that is destroying our ozone layer with every car ride to the local store.

greg stringfelow
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:46 PM

I think that the movie was very educational in that it was given from the heart and that since Al Gore want to talk about it so much show how far he will go to make sure that his message gets across. Also I think the subject of global warming is one that is very crucial to human survival.

cassidy r
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:47 PM

I think that the video was factual and tried to be optimistic about the solution to climate change (Of which the video declared was already a fact-that climate change does exists) though I think the video spent a lot of time glorifying. The facts were spun off the triumphs of "Al Gore-the only one who cares about mother earth" Despite the constant praise for Al Gore, the video did point out some major key points. It define the facts and disproved the falsities (Eg. The fact that people do believe in climate change but the media publishes information saying that most don't). It provided great insight into how we can solve the problem and gave simple answers, solutions, goals and instructions for everyday people.

Kyle Jakub
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:47 PM

I think Al Gore has a lot to say, and when I say that, I mean he has WAY too much to say. I understand that global warming is a problem, but I find that people are hyping it up way too much. Instead of actually looking for solutions, many people go out and freak everyone else out with stuff like this. I now find this to be a very boring subject and I have lost all interest in hearing about it. This movie was an eye-opener for many, but it was a real eye-closer for me.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 04:49 PM by: kjakub

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:48 PM

This movie focuses on what will happen if we continue to neglect the situatin at hand. perhaps most wouldn't care if the problem isn't affecting them directly, but this movie shows just how the choices those people make will circumvent and reveal their fate. That was probably the goal of the movie, to show you future through statistics.

Caitlynn Court
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:48 PM

I thought the movie was good. I liked how they showed certain examples of the effects of global warming. Yes i do think Al Gore is right. Global warming is getting worse, but if people start to change now then the climate would get better. It wouldn't be by much, but I think it'd be better than what it is now or will get over time. I don't think that this is one persons opinion. A lot of people understand and know that they have to do something. Al Gore is just trying to publically get the issue out and see that something is done about it.

Megan Shmyr
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:49 PM

Honestly, this movie was quite boring. I think that the supports he gave us, the facts, are quite true but the way he presented them didn't really keep me interested. We've heard plenty of times about global warming and climate change and all this about "going green" and the effects we have on the environment but have we really changed that much? He is right in that the truth is inconvenient. We don't want to hear about all the problems because:
1.-we were the ones that started them and
2.-we don't like the solution to the situation.
We are greedy and don't want to lose even a small protion of our profit. We have become so selfish that even though our life depends on the earth we have put our individual needs above anything else - even our own existance.

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:50 PM

This interesting movie opened my eyes to what was really happening to our Eath. At first I was blinded by my own selfishness to how I and the rest of the human race impacted our earth in such a negative way. In the movie Al Gore goes into deatail about the things we never dwell on for a fraction of a second,the things that,every second, decrease the the time we have left on this earth and speed the time of it's destruction. Despite knowing all this many peaople still promise to change their ways but never follow through and that is truly the disapointment, knowing you made a mistake but never bothering to fix it.

Angela Wu
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:51 PM

I thought "The Inconvenient Truth" was , no offence, boring. I admit that Al Gore is right, his conclusions, and his facts were all correct and true, but everything points to the same message over and over again. That people don't change to save, ultimately, themselves because it's costly and inconvenient. A majority of people know there's a problem. It's in the newspaper, the news, and in other forms of media, but when people can make a profit out of something, good or bad, they become reluctant to change. In other words, Al Gore basically spent two or three hours explaining something I was already aware of. In our society today, "money makes the world go 'round".

Dec 14, 2009 at 4:53 PM

The movie “Inconvenient Truth” is made by Al Gore and he talks about Global Warming and climate change. I believe that global warming is happening but not as bad as Al Gore says it is. I think that this is only person’s opinion. We may need to listen to him, but we don’t need to go to drastic measures, just make sure to recycle and produce less waste.

Younis Soufi
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:55 PM

Although watching this movie wasnt the best 1 and a half hours of of my life and made me close my eyes within 5 minutes into it, it was very educational. Al Gore really goes into detail about how the world is in jeopardy and that if something isn't done soon, the world would be in total chaos. my rating for this movie is 4 out of 5.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 04:56 PM by: Youn15

Alex Sagdahl
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:57 PM

This movie was very interesting to me. I knew that climate change was a problem, but i didn't know that we were on the brink of global instability. In the next 50 years, we are bound, as a human race, to destroy the lives we currently enjoy because we are to lazy to fix this problem and now the younger generation has to deal with it.

mohamed warsame
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:01 PM

This movie if anything, was quite informative and entertaining. It was a real eye opener to a issue that has a problem to our planet for decades. Yes, Al Gore’s right and it’s quite hard to disagree with all the information and data showed on the video. This movie was very well done and is much more then one man’s opinion. His passion is quite evident and should be listened by all.

Katie Sutton
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:04 PM

i liked the video it was entertaining and taught me alot about what is gunna come from global warming.

Gawai Fung
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:16 PM

This film is telling the scary truth which is currently happening in our world. Many people may think that Climate change is a the bigest joke they never heard and so do I. After watching this film, I believe that if we are not starting to do something for our world now, our future or our decentdent's future will be destroy!
As long as the CO2, green gases keep effecting our world, the ices melts and the sun lights can not be reflect back to the space, the ocean get heat up and .....
So we need to do something to save the world, save ourselves. For example, close lights when you are leaving the room, turn off the taps, plant a tree..

Ebrahim Jama
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:16 PM

This film surprised me greatly, by its key facts about global warming. Al Gore is a amusing bounus, as he too is extremely passionate about this topic. Global warming is real and is luking behind every corner, waiting for someone to notice it, and when someone does, all hell will break lose.....

Taylor Pruner
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:16 PM


Bianca Wrisdon
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:17 PM

i believe the inconveniant truth is very influential. i believe i learned alot from it. i personally am very afraid of what will happen in the future if we do not do anything to stop global warming.

Tony Olson
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:17 PM

This movie was probably the most boring video ever,but still,it explains the vast and fragile world we live in,we are on the verge of extinction,i think the biggest point of all that people misunderstand is that our planet will always be here,it has survived everything,but we canot,if we keep putting fossil fuels into our atmosphere we will all parish on our planet,and let me stress that,its gonna be us,not our planet,we have to fight for whats important,i think thats what Al Gore was trying to say in the video, we all need to wake up and see our destruction


This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 05:17 PM by: azincourt12

Steven Bui
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM

l believe that this was the most boring video i have ever watched, but Al Gore points out some key points and some amusing facts. Overall, i learned alot out of this video. (:

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM

thats very true and i agree and thats what i would say too!!!

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:20 PM

In the movie, I agree with Al Gore answer and the result that might happen to our planet Earth. It give me a strong feeling to protect this mother Earth that are giving us all the thing we wants and needs. Now it is time for us to repay the debt, to help the protect our planet. Even one right action can change the our future.So why cant we help Earth when it also helping our own.

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:21 PM

I believe the "Inconvenient Truth" is a very entertaining documentary, also Al Gore gave some facts that are very hard to disagree with him. But there is also a chance that he is wrong and has got everyone worked up for no apparent reason ! = )

Ebrahim Jama
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:22 PM

Tony I stongly disagree with your opinion, in that the Inconvient Truth is boring, because i found it very entertaining, but thats only my opinion.

DJ Ferguson
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:23 PM

I believe that Al Gore has a large passion for what he speaks about. Although, he may be slightly over opinion-oriented but with powerful facts as well. I believe we need to rehash previous efforts and relate the facts Al Gore has mentioned and publicly annouce them. If not only to further enlighten viewers on climate change, but to convince, and clarify it enough to allow people to change their minds much more easily. I believe it can be done.
Do you believe that we can have a power of influence over people with a closed-mind? With many sharing the same ideology of facts, it can be accomplished.
It was a good documentary, but the real question is:
Will the general public take Al Gore seriously? How long before climate change is irreversable

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 11:24 AM by: DJFerguson

zakaria hagi farah
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:26 PM

i think that al gore did a great presentation.he gave out many information that nobody didn't even know.i thnk that everbody should listen to al gore.

David Marchand
Dec 14, 2009 at 7:07 PM

ZuabirBee wrote:

I believe the "Inconvenient Truth" is a very entertaining documentary, also Al Gore gave some facts that are very hard to disagree with him. But there is also a chance that he is wrong and has got everyone worked up for no apparent reason ! = )
There is not a chance he is wrong, this is not a debate. This is a REAL issue and the consequences are clear as day. Scientists have been proving the effects of our hazardous ways for DECADES. You cannot argue fact, for Global Warming is NOT an opinion or theory.

Dec 15, 2009 at 12:54 PM

I think Al Gore did a great job at presenting to everyone the issues about global warming. He stressed the importance of reducing co2 emissions if we want to live in a healthy enviroment. We should lisen to him. What he says in the movie is 100% truthful.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 1:30 PM

You couldn't be anymore correct, Al Gore is a wise and passionate man. What he's been doing is incredible.
Here is a quick summary and the ability to go around and check for yourself what is actually going on, for any doubters. Gore stresses the severity of this issue and what we need to do in order to correct it, and at a level that anyone can understand, not a bunch of scientific mumbo-jumbo.

Dec 15, 2009 at 1:57 PM

Thought Al Gore is famous for this movie,that including my current self, believe that this point has to be weld into every human beings' mind and make it stay there for we are the future in our Earth's survival and this is our only home, no matter what NASA is trying to do !!!

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 2:23 PM

Your right, and even though there are millions of earths out there, we are not able at this moment to reach them, or use that as any reason to mistreat what we have. This idealogy must be imbedded into the minds of not only the youth, but the adults whom seem to feel they'll be gone so who cares. I know I want to be a parent, but who out here wants to put children on a doomed earth only to struggle to survive in everyway ? I certainly don't, and Al Gore was right when he said this is a moral issue.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:18 PM

This is a great movie in my opinion. The thing is that people don't pay attention to it and find it very boring. He should have made this movie a bit more appealing to our generation, but besides that the information in the movie is very informative and this is a very valued movie which every person on earth should watch.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:21 PM

You are right that everyone should see it, although the purpose of the movie was not to entertain people. He was getting the message out there and hoping to pound it into our minds. One thing Gore could of improved on was directing at maybe at a certain group, or try to inspire people a little more. On the contrary, it could be to fuel the fire already in the stomach's of the many passionate citizens. All in all, it was a job well done and hopefully it will serve it's purpose.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:21 PM by: dmarchand

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM

The movie Al Gore in my opinion was truly an eye opening experience for me. Even though I already was aware of global warming I never really knew the effects it had on the world. I especially was amazed that global warming was the cause of hurricane Katrina becoming even more dangerous. I believe that we should listen to him and change the way that we live. Unfortunately it has taken us years to get to this dangerous stage; it will take us even more to fix our mistakes.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:22 PM

I believe that Al Gore was right in his observation about climate change. He says how it needs to be stopped and how we as humans have the power to stop it. We all need to realize that climate change is a continuing problem that is putting the planet and the people living on this planet at risk.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:24 PM

Yes this movie was an eye-opener for many. Unfortunately it's not enough getting people aware of the situation, but active in the resolution.

Austin Shaw
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:29 PM

I think that the movie "The Inconvenient Truth" was generally pretty eye opening. I would recommend this video to other friends/family for them to also realize what bad condition our home is in. I think that we should listen to Al Gore to a certain extent. I think that we should slowly try and change our future for upcoming generations.

Kelsy Moffatt
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM

I believe he represents the majority of people who are beginning to open their eyes to global warming, or "climate change".
He has strong ideas and he really shows the problems we face if global warming continues.
I believe it is not only his opinion, it is a fact.
He didn’t pull his ideas out of thin air.
All of the information he presents to the audience is backed up by fact and research.
Al Gore is ridiculed because he sees things as how they really are in reality.
He doesn’t try to make it less painful or scary.
Global Warming is here, it’s happening now, and we need to deal with it.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM

This movie was very informative and provided us with information we may not have already known. I believe that the message Al Gore was trying to send to us was not just his opinion, but a fact that needs to be addressed. Climate change is a big deal, and immediate action needs to be taken to avoid devastating circumstances. It isn’t going to be an easy process trying to quit bad habits that are affecting our atmosphere and climate, but if everyone in the world does their part, we could be saving future generations from a terrifying fate.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM

why should we change? we've already pured a whole bunch into the atmosphere, and even if we got our emmission output right to zero, it's still going to take a long time for those gases to be absorbed out of the atmosphere, and if we are at the tipping point now, by the time the greenhouse gasses are out of the atmosphere, it will already be too late.

Marc Weber
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:30 PM

My opinion towards the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is, as the name says, inconvenient. It is basically and drastically trying to brainwash people into thinking that if we don't do something now, it would have devastating effects on us IMMEDIATELY.
Reality is though, the more immediate effects of global warming will not alter our lives to a fatal point. Also, half the movie is unrelated to the actual topic, telling us about Gore's life and how he didn't get elected as President. Therefore, I do not support the point of view this movie is trying to create.

Cassie Sontag
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM

I think this movie was well executed and very informative. I learned a lot about our planet and what's happening to it over time. I think a lot of people share the same opinion as Gore, including myself. We believe that global warming and climate change are a big deal and that they need to be dealt with NOW. I believe that we all should be concerned with what is happening to the very planet we live on and that we should be trying to make an effort to stop it. Global warming is not something we can put off until tomorrow, we have to start dealing with it today.

Nancy Nguyen
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:31 PM

Al Gore was correct about this issue and making a movie about it to inform others was just one precaution to prevent and cure climate change. Nowadays, people are turning a blind eye to the situation because it is simply an "inconvenient truth" to the way people are living and the habits they have developed over the years. Everyone must make a small contribution to stop the increasingly harmful effects of climate change. If we all do our part, these problems will slowly begin to recede and life as we know it will not be threatened and we can all continuing living as we do now.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM

The Inconvenient Truth was a very informative movie.It showed us the real deal with what is happening to our planet. It did not sugar coat anything, it gave us all a big dose of reality. I knew that we were hurting our Earth but i never knew just how bad things really are. Global warming is taking it's toll on our one and only home, if we do not try and reduce our pollution numbers we are going to wind up destroying it.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM

I thought that the Inconvenient Truth was a very informative documentary. I learned a lot about how global warming is really affecting the planet and how we have evidence to support this. Most people know a little about global warming but not the big picture which is presented in the movie. The movie is a little older though so many things have been done to change this but we still need to do more. It does have a fitting title because this is the truth and many do not want to here it. We need to listen and act and this issue has been addressed in this movie. Overall I thought the movie was able to raise interest and spark action.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:33 PM

So I think that he was right. But he is not the only person that we should listen to. If we really want to know whats going one then we should view this situation from all angles. I persomly belive that he might be overdoing it a bit. But thats just me. I do think that this is a cycle and we are speedingbthe process up. We may not be able to stop it entirely but we may be able to slow it down to minimal.

Michael West
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:33 PM

I think that the movie was pretty boring but it was okay. I think that Al Gore is right because he as evidence that global warming is happening and it's real. I think that we should listen to him and we need to take action and help save the planet. I don’t think that its ones opinion because he showed the effects of global warming and it should be dealt with.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM

j-ladan wrote:

why should we change? we've already pured a whole bunch into the atmosphere, and even if we got our emmission output right to zero, it's still going to take a long time for those gases to be absorbed out of the atmosphere, and if we are at the tipping point now, by the time the greenhouse gasses are out of the atmosphere, it will already be too late.

That's not true at all. The point of no return where we need to stabilize our emmisions is 2015. We have until approx 2050 to reduce our emissions by 80%, not to zero. If your going to come and bash Al Gore, please learn the facts first.

Braydon Shaw
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I believe "The Inconvenient Truth" is an extremely imformative piece of information that is essiential for many of the world's citizens to watch and understand. Al Gore's judgements and concerns are correct and true, and I hope that people will support that global warming is an extremely important issue to discuss and resolve. I believe that we should listen and abide to Al Gore's beliefs, for he might be our one way ticket to fixing this problem.

Angela Linton
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I found that the movie was insightful. It made me aware of what can happen in the future if we don't do anything and what has happened already. I don't find this just his opinion but really a lot of peoples. This movie was very valid and taught me a

Abdallah Abu-Saris
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM

Denying what algore said is like seeing the sunlight and saying that it doesnt existcool

However, as enjoyable as the way of presentation was, Mr. Algores final words reflects what he wanted to say throughout the movie, "we adults made a mistake, dont be like us, keep an eye open, fix it"nerdy

I dont believe that the adults cant fix it, that it has to carry on to the next generation, but when we want something so badly, we can even make cows fly.

Where there is a will, there is a way, and where fresh minds lye, the solution becomes clear. So i agree with him in that we need fresh

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:37 PM by: aabusaris

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM

Even though it was extremely dull and I missed over half of the movie, it was extremely informative. It told us why this change is happening and what will happen. It also tells us how we can change our ways to help reduce this change. Al Gore is right, in my opinion, because all of the causes of global climate change is proven science. To listen to him though, is our choice and for me to tell you what to listen to is like telling a robber not to steal, something forbidden yet we do it. I will on the other hand have the opinion to listen to him because he does have great ideas, but hey, that's my opinion.

Saba Al Hammouri
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM

I personally think that Al Gore is correct on what is happening to the world. Most people are not concerned about the environment because they are more concerned on things that are going to effect them in there life time but Al gore does a good job in showing people that climate change is going to effect us today. I was well educated after watching the movie and I have already started to do little things to help the environment. Hopefully everyone else well take such inchoative to help the environment.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM

I believe that Al Gore is right in the movie The Inconvenient Truth. I do not think that this is one person's opinion. There is scientific evidence and support for the message Al Gore was putting across. He used persuasive language and both visual and verbal support such as statistics, photos, graphs, quotes, and opinions. I find it unlikely that one could watch the entire film to the end and still come out with a doubt in their mind that climate change is real and happening. From the moving speeches to the shocking images of our glaciers and forests deteriorating, this film has captured the attention of many, including myself. After all that I witnessed, I truly wonder what state the world could be in if Al Gore had become president and dealt with the catastrophic issue current political leaders are failing to address.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:37 PM

The Inconvenient Truth fulfilled its purpose in presenting the current situation of our environment. Using Al Gore to promote this message was an effective way of communicating the ideas of the movie to the people. Graphs, images, videos, and also humor were some tools used in presenting the concept. Many statistics and much information about the growing problem of the environment was exposed such as the temperatures and gas emissions of the past compared to present day have increased significantly. Tons of content was provided that covered most details of climate change such as the cause and effects of the ozone layer damages, and outcomes that may arise in the future as a result of no solution. Different dimensions to the issue was also explored for example the issue of whether economic benefit weighs more than the planet itself. The movie communicated the fact that we have created this environmental situation and the negative effects will continue as long as we do not take action.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:39 PM by: amyy10

This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 04:39 PM by: amyy10

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:38 PM

Of course it is not just one person’s opinion. Global Warming is a scientifically proven fact that should be dealt with immediately. Al Gore did a great job on addressing this fact and an even better job at trying to make people wake up and see the urgency of this situation. People have to act NOW and the only way to do that is to change the way we live by doing small things that will reduce our footprint. We also need to convince our governments to act to further make an impact.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:38 PM

The Incovenient Truth movie was a very moving movie due to the powerful evidence shown, and the terrifying scientific predictions made. After watching this movie in class, my friends and I were devastated to see how damaged Earth already is and how close we all are to the tipping point of no-return; and this is what the producers of the movie want us all to feel, because perhaps it's the only way to get people to change their daily activities. I think that more people need to see this movie, because some just don't believe what they can't see. "Inconvenient Truth" is definitely a movie that has all the information needed to get people to stop taking this planet for granted.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:42 PM

That is all true, although keep in mind there are over 190 representatives at Cop15, not just the US. We must take in consideration for others and PEACEFULLY work out a resolution, and IMMEDIATELY!

Abdallah Abu-Saris
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:44 PM

braydonshaw wrote:

I believe "The Inconvenient Truth" is an extremely imformative piece of information that is essiential for many of the world's citizens to watch and understand. Al Gore's judgements and concerns are correct and true, and I hope that people will support that global warming is an extremely important issue to discuss and resolve. I believe that we should listen and abide to Al Gore's beliefs, for he might be our one way ticket to fixing this problem.

I agree, algores assusmptions and conclusions are viable and supported with collected evidence. The thing is however, it seemed that it just stopped there, that there is something unsaid.
if truly that is the case then hes up to something that he is not sure will work, but hopes that it will. He needs help, we need help, so why dont we step up and do our own research.

nour fares
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:46 PM

An inconvenient truth is a real wake up call to all those who don’t quite understand how severe climate change is. Al gore is right, it is a big deal because our world will soon reach the point were we can no longer reverse the effects of climate change, so we cant afford to procrastinate any longer we have to act now for our lives and for future generations that will have to pay for our mistakes for us denying an obvious reality merely because it was inopportune, “inconvenient”.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:47 PM

Enough RESEARCH has been done. We know all we need to god dam know! What we actually need to do is get up off our asses and do something about it. Talk, talk, talk, that's all were doing here. How about we get out there and actually make a difference, hmm?

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:48 PM

I think that an Inconvenient Truth was a good movie, and although it may be taking things to slightly more drastic extremes than what may or may not happen it was on the right track. But Al Gore brought things down to earth and brought up an issue that may not seem so important at the moment, but in a few years it will be. And no, it is not just one persons opinion, if it was, then he would not have had the graphs and charts to prove his points. He may be drawing different conclusions from them than other people, but there is a certain amount of truth to what he is saying. I beleive that one day in the near future unless we decide to listen to Al Gore he will be able to say "I told you so".

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:51 PM

Everything in that movie was the truth and he was blunt with it. Sea levels will rise, cities will sink. The earth will heat up, animal and plant species will die, including us. It wasn't being dramatised, but you have to feel passion for such a subject.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:52 PM

I concur that Al Gore's statement is true because he showed with charts and graphs hard facts of how global warming was affecting our "home", which is earth. How it's not just global warming that's affecting us, but we are helping global warming accomplish it's job. The job of destroying our planet. Even though we have been getting -40 degree weather, it's still affecting us in a big way because global warming is global change. If we all helped out like he stated, then we could help clim ate change not complety ruin our planet.

Emily Baines
Dec 15, 2009 at 4:52 PM

I agree with Al Gore's statement because it is true. He had the facts to back it up and was very influencial and believable because I could tell that he really believed it himself. He was sure of it. We ourselfs can already tell that these things are really happening. Its warmer longer, we are running out of fresh water, our oceans are getting destroyed along with the coral reefs, and every day we are losing more and more animals, and even more are going extinct! The animals we don't even know exist yet are dying! We know that we are hurting everything, but because we are scared of the facts, or want to keep living like we are now, we don't want to do anything about it. We are heading to two deaths right now: 1. We burn up because of overheating or, .2. We flood. The technology we are creating now should be helping the world, not helping destroy it more.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:57 PM

The cold hard fact is that al gore is very very right.No matter what we might think exaggarated or not He's right.We humans are so stubborn we wont even try to change what the world is;sure there are some who'll tryto change their ways,but the majority are ether to rich to care or to poor to make a difference so the question remains What the heck are we going to do about it so lets try to change what we do okay.

Dec 15, 2009 at 4:58 PM

In my opinion Al Gore is right. We need to take action and reduce our emissions and lessen our ecological footprint. If we keep doing our own thing and not caring about the planet we live on then pretty soon it wont be able to sustain us anymore. This opinion is not only his. Al Gore is backed up by many facts therefore it cannot only be his opinion. A lot of scientists and environmentalists and educators have proved his theory to be correct. Also his movie could not have become this popular for it to have only been his opinion. We need to listen to Al Gore and follow in his footsteps of making people aware of what is happening and then educate them and ourselves about how to reduce our environmental impact.

Dec 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM

i think this document was really educational. Al Gore was talking about climate change and how it's going to effect us later on. We really won't notice climate change much now, but its going to affect us later on when we get older.

Dec 15, 2009 at 5:08 PM

I think it was great insight. He showed us the "horror" of what is happening and what can happen. He also finished it off by giving us hope - that yes, we can do something about this. This opinion on global warming is shared by many people, but on different levels. The levels are based on our worldviews, but the concept is the same. We need to listen to what he says, and together as a world, we must try to do our best. Our best can be a lot too, considering how much we've figured out in the past 300 years thanks to science. I do have one thing I'd like to point out. Al Gore is really hoping to get everyone aware and doing something about global warming, yet you can clearly see he drives a huge SUV. He's got the right intentions, but even he isn't ready to give it all up apparently.

John Hanley
Dec 15, 2009 at 5:39 PM

We can never have enough scientific research. We need to continually be researching the effects of climate change. The more data we can get, the better an idea we have of what we are dealing with. Research on climate change in particular should be ongoing because of its ever-changing nature.

Also, new research adds new perspectives to the issue, and it is important to hear these new perspectives.

But given that research should be on-going, we should not use that as an excuse not to act. We need to act now, and better research will help continually guide our actions.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 5:39 PM

warda9 wrote:

i think this document was really educational. Al Gore was talking about climate change and how it's going to effect us later on. We really won't notice climate change much now, but its going to affect us later on when we get older.

Yes it will, and thanks to his movie and this assignment we won't be in the dark about it no longer. We have the oppertunity to change our stars and fix this conflict before it is too late!

Dec 15, 2009 at 8:02 PM

Before i watched this movie i thought it was going to be really boring and just one of those same movies about climate change. Watching the movie has changed my opinion about how i feel about climate change. Al Gore had lots of good points with lots of proof attached to them. We should all be very concerned about the environment.

gabriel vrhovac
Dec 15, 2009 at 9:51 PM

Al Gore has done a good job of bringing the climate change crisis to the mass media even if it is through scare tactics and false facts. When I first saw An Inconvenient Truth in grade 7 the facts seemed to be 100% believable and shocking. Now i'm in grade 10 and have researched further into Al Gore's movie. Many reports of exaggerated claims attack the movie. For example the sea level worldwide would not "go up by 20 feet" but instead 20.8 inches. It seems to me Al Gore is still upset with the rigged election, which he has the right to be but should maybe spend less time making movie's that actually focus on his personal life with clips of his presentations in between. Undoubtedly the best thing about the movie is that it brings global climate change to the average person because it doesn't TRULY matter whether the facts are right or wrong but more importantly, what we are going to do today for tomorrow.

Dec 15, 2009 at 11:33 PM

This movie brings forth an extremly inconvient and powerful message. "We are killing our planet!!!" It hurts my pride to know that the main reason behind climate change is human activites. I was so proud to stand tall as a human-being but knowing that it is because of us, animals and plants are dying, and our own civilization is in danger of over-flow of refugees, death, scarcity of fresh water/food, and increase in natural disasters it doesn't sound so great anymore.

As caretakers of the Earth, the message has to start to sink in sooner. There is no time to leave something so important and life threatening 'till tomorrow. Algor is right. We need to listen to him and start TODAY!

Taylor Pruner
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:20 AM


Dec 16, 2009 at 12:58 PM

I believe that Al Gore's documentary made us really think of what hole we are digging ourselves into. If we dont change, not only will the polar ice caps melt, but habitats for polar bears will begin to decimate. Thinking of what Mr.Gore said, Canada and the U.S. are the leading producers in carbon emissions. Knowing that our world is being slowly destroyed by our own actions, we should take this cue and begin to plan our next attack on stopping or lessen our usese of electicity and our transportations.By even Earth will live that much longer.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 01:00 PM by: KevinNguyen

Dec 16, 2009 at 1:02 PM

The lecture he did sort of opened my eyes more to become aware about what we humans are doing to the world. I believe we should take into account the messages he portayed in the video because he did have scientific evidence supporting his thoughts. It is still our responsibility to care for the earth wether it is true or not.

Dec 22, 2009 at 8:47 PM

I think the movie was pretty intresting, it has so much facts about how this earth is slowly dying because of us. I've read plenty of books about global warming but never knew that it was affecting the world this much, this movie had a big impact on how i think about global warming now.I believe people should open their eyes to the damage they aready made to earth and act immediatly, before it's too late and we can't turn back and then we will die and kill our earth with us. So if people are clueless about global warming they should watch "the inconvineint truth" to fill them in.I doubt this is a one person opinion because i am pretty sure lot's of people out there aren't willing to die or destroy earth so lot's of people think the same way. Evreyone should listen to him unless they want to die. If evreybody listens and cares then i think we could save earth.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-22 at 08:54 PM by: mero4

Jan 4, 2010 at 6:49 PM

i think that this movie was quite educational on my part. I have learned many things that i had thought were no existent. When Gore was saying how bad the earth is getting, i get this feeling that i want to do something. I think that this is one person's opinion, but most of what he said did make sense . I think that we really need to listen to what he is saying. He is most likely right about what is happening to the world. We should not underestimate the earth.

jason dhaliwal
Jan 4, 2010 at 10:10 PM

I think that this movie was very eye opening and created a new way for our generation to tackle the problem of global warming. The way Al Gore presented global warming through clips, graphs and visual diagrams helped people take in the facts and listen. Global warming is the truth, only Al Gore takes it that extra mile. We need to act in the near future to save the upcoming(and near) future for future generations!

Jan 6, 2010 at 8:59 PM

i think that this movie was quite interseting. I leraned many things that i thought were impossible. I think that what Gori is saying is right. He is proving a good point. I think that we should listen to him and take action based on what he says. I completly agree with wat he says. I dont think that this is merely one person's opinion. I think that many other people out there have the same theories as him.

Kelsey Van Voorst
Jan 11, 2010 at 10:48 AM

I think Al Gore was right about how we are causing climate change and the movie was very eye-opening to most people including me because it may be his passion to stop or decrease climate change but I think everyone should feel the same way. We should all feel a little guilty inside and feel the need to try to do better to try and protect whats left of our planets unrenewable resources for use in later generations.