‚What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront
despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of
grace, justice, and beauty to this world.‛
This post was edited on: 2009-11-30 at 01:40 AM by: tgodwald
79 Replies
For me, I do not own a car and I walk or bicycle to school. Sometimes I use public transit, but rarely. When I travel long distances, I try to take the train first, bus, or shared care. I only fly if I have no other choice. I also try to buy as much fresh food that as been grown and produced locally as possible so that I limit the amount of emissions and energy used to transport it. This also reduces the amount of packaging and preservatives. I also recycle and compost everything I can. I turn off lights when I leave rooms, and use efficient light bulbs. Things like programmable thermostats which cool the house when no one is in it, and warm it when they are, are also good.
Did you know the City of Toronto, in Ontario, has public compost collection as well as normal garbage and recycling?
Check it out:
Could your city do the same?
A lot of people are willing to help the world, yes.
But the vast majority is more concerned with economics and the amount of money they can make, or lose by helping out, the planet comes far from first, in fact it usually is the last thing on someones mind,People won't give up their cars, cell-phones,electricity and heated homes for the good of a planet they really in truth know nothing about.
This person is obviously not looking at the same world I am, or if he is, he isn't seeing the same places I am, because the ordinary people I see, sometimes even the people who are considered to be better than ordinary, who refuse to confront the political powers in foreign countries. Some people do show these traits, but it doesn't really show as much as this quote would lead us to believe. So yeah.
Everyone is trying to create a place that is free and democratic. But after awhile of destroying others to get them to conform to what we think is "right", isn't that taking away their freedom to choose for themselves. Things can so easily change from what they were before all good things have an opposite evil; hope:despair, love:hate. Everything in moderation, right?
now that everybody understand how much they hurt the earth, they now want to do something about it. The buying energy efficient appliances and "green" products. Personally i havent done to much to change my lifestyle. I do take the bus, my appliances are all energu efficient, but besides that, not much has changed.
This person is seeing the world in a very optimistic point of view. I see the minority being people who want to help with the environment and make a change so the world doesn't get destroyed. I see the majority of the world focusing less on environment and more on making money and gaining power. Most people won't care if they harm the environment greatly, as long as they get the money they want. We keep hearing on the news how people are finally taking action to help the environment. I think the action they are taking is very small, and what they are actually doing is gaining publicity to gain some power and get some more money in their pockets.
In my opinion, this quote is very meaningful and true because there are, indeed, many people right now who are aware of our problems and are willing to help out the Earth. If people don’t realize that we need to take action NOW, they are some of the few people who don't realize the consequences of our repeated mistakes. I contribute by taking the public bus every day and reducing the time i spend shopping and doing all those extracurricular activities that may possibly harm the environment.
This quote is nothing but a baseless opinion. Everywhere in the world, even on this current isue of global warming, we are afraid to comfront the oil giants who are making the environment worse. If this quote is to be true, then let us band together to confront them. Only a few adhere to this quote, let the rest of us follow suite and fight. The environment should come before any political or economic problems. This is our home, let us fight to the death for it.
That’s not what I see. I believe that if someone was asked it they would be “willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore….beauty to this word,” they would say “yes” and move on with their lives. Most people are not concerned about the decline of polar bears or how bad their new cars are for the earth. A majority of people would not give up their luxuries for something that’s not going to effect their life time and would pass up the opportunity to change their ecological footprint because we are told it will hurt “our kids and our kid’s kids and our kid’s kid’s kids."
i totally agree with you this is insane we try reducing our ecological footprints while others are doing the opposite...we got to show those peaople that we can do it...
So far, my opinion is still changing from side to side. I care about everything in the animal world, all of them going extinct and everything. I care. I want to stop global warming and save the whales. But the other half of me, just doesn’t care. I know the world is withering away, but I somewhat don’t care. Like, it’s going to implode anyways, might as well just keep on living my life normally.
thats very true people are effecting our planet every single day without them knowing how much it hurts..they only care for themselves and i dont think any one will make an effort unless if we can reduce the number of people beacuse we as adults are the new generation that can make a huge difference.
This is true, there are always people, even if not many, that are tryin to make a difference like my dad.My dad is really big on saving the planet. he's like some sort of david suzuki, excpet not to the full extent. He's had a really big impact on my environmental chocies once i realized all the problems this world has. i try to do the best whenever i can to save this world. of course, sinc eim a teenager, most things slip by, but whenever i can, i recycle a bottle, help plant a garden and use less paper! It helps me feel like im having a good footprint on the environment, and by practicing that- i am!
This post was edited on: 2010-01-07 at 08:50 PM by: redapple22
This person is obviously not in the same world I am, or if he is, he isn't seeing the same places I am, because the ordinary people I see, sometimes even the people who are considered to be better than ordinary, who refuse to confront the political powers in foreign countries. Some people do show these traits, but it doesn't really show as much as this quote would lead us to believe.
We as people need to except that climate change is an issue. We need to unite as one and make change possible. It is not impossible to do anything, but it is impossible to save the future if we don't do anything. We can't just sit back and relax, we need to take charge of the issue. Whether it be saving energy, or even something as simple as recycling can help. If we all unit as one anything is possile.
My ecological footprint is HUGE, I admit, and I don't think it is going to really change. I know that "if everyone lived the way [I] did" the world would be horrible and would end very quickly. The fact is, not everyone lives the way I do. Actually, very few people live the way I do. So therefor, we don't really need to worry about that, now do we? I will only change if my regular habits/routines are not affected or changed in any way.
Personally I have not gone to great limits reducing all that is humanly possible, but I have done most of the little things, getting the ball rolling for everyone and the future. I walked to school from Gr.2~9 and ride with my parents to school now b/c they both work within close proximity to each other and my school, recuding exhaust emissions in our own way of carpooling. Over the majority of lightbulbs have been switched to a more "green" product, along with items such as; daily food intake, various appliances and the use of such (washer, air dry clothing, etc). We have even stopped using our dishwasher and are going "old-school" and doing it by hand. All and more, such simple tasks that anyone and everyone should and are able to do. I'm not saying we're the lead example, but it does prove one can overcome greed and the strive for conveinence and speed to take the time and consider the damages. It's a good start to an uncertain future.
ymerhi wrote:
This person is seeing the world in a very optimistic point of view. I see the minority being people who want to help with the environment and make a change so the world doesn't get destroyed. I see the majority of the world focusing less on environment and more on making money and gaining power. Most people won't care if they harm the environment greatly, as long as they get the money they want. We keep hearing on the news how people are finally taking action to help the environment. I think the action they are taking is very small, and what they are actually doing is gaining publicity to gain some power and get some more money in their pockets.
My response:
The majority of this statement is true and powerful in my opinion. Yes, the action that has commenced is miniscule, but I do not see it as a publicity stunt. People are beginning to chip in, but that is all. Not many people are seeing this situation with much optimism. Doom is not yet certain, and can be thwarted, with a great deal of effort. Such effort that is not being put in, at least in great enough numbers.
This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 07:32 PM by: dmarchand
This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 07:34 PM by: dmarchand
Wow. I wish I knew where this person lives or at least where he stood when he looked out at the world, because that's not what I see at all. Pretty much everyday my sister drives me and my friends to school. And everyday I see many people driving in their cars to work. I see fumes from the cars blowing through the streets and billows of smoke rising from malls and stores. I see ugly grey streets that stretch on for miles but it's not only what I do see but also what I don't. At night all the city lights drown out the stars and there is minimal room for grass and trees to grow. I don't see too many days with a clear blue sky either.
"People [are] willing to confront despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore...grace, justice and beauty to this world."
Where is the grace in our society? I see and hear youths and young kids, they are crude and disrespectful. They watch brainless and idiotic shows and mimic the actions they see becoming more and more like the mook and midrif characters they see. Also, what about all the inuendos and promiscuity in society, is that graceful? Or how about those who swindle others in their greed for money? Is any of it graceful?
Pfft. What justice? Our justice system isn't really any good. Someone commits a crime and the get their hands slapped, maybe sent to jail, and then released back out into society just to go and commit the same crime again. It's a joke. I know a person that works as a sheriff and he agrees, it's a revolving door system - go in get out. Obviously our punishments aren't harsh enough, if someone is willing to do the same thing over and over again. People cry out for jsutice but there is none.
As for beauty, I prefer lush greens and vibrant yellows with splashes of colour to concrete grays and smoke.
There is a minority that truely wants to help change the world but the majority are more focused on making profits. We are selfish beings. Talk of global warming and climate change is mainly that - talk. The action we take is very miniscule and unless everyone were to do everything possible the difference won't be enough to change much. I don't know what world Paul Hauken was looking at but it sure wasn't mine.
This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 08:30 PM by: alien-youth
This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 09:23 PM by: alien-youth
That statement is the exact thought process I wish more people would take. You clearly feel passionate for this issue and everything you have, if only others would turn their heads from the T.V long enough to listen. I heard a quote from " The Inconvenient Truth " that I really found to hit the mark; " It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it." Although you have clearly illistrated the absence of morality in this world, you were right, talk is cheap. There are not many people in this world who give a dam to this dilemma, but I do believe in hope that enough people can get through to the thick headed " bigwigs" especially this Wednesday.
This person is showing a perfect example of wishful thinking. Everyone wants this to happen but clearly it's not. Don't get me wrong though some people are trying to do it. But in the bigger picture most people are more focused on their new car than the environment. We need to get our priorities in order. It sounds really bad, that something so small like money could stand in the way of us actually keeping our planet alive and making it easier for our kids, and their kids to live easier happy lives.
Does it sound bad, of course. Are you wrong, absolutely not. It has been clearly noted that greed is standing in the way of us, but that doesn't mean all is lost. You call it wishful thinking, I call it a last faith in mankind, which im doubting in severely but giving up is the last thing to do in this situation.
This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 12:58 AM by: dmarchand
We at Riverdale High School have decided to do our part in helping to save the enviroment by recycling, encouraging students to use re-usable lunch bags and we are looking into banning the use of plastic bags. We are also trying to encourage the use of aluminum water bottles. Tomorrow (December 16th, 2009), Riverdale's green team is participating in the Copenhagen summit. The world leaders will be listining to what we have to say about the enviroment, and what we can do to improve.
evryday unless there is a mini snow storm...i am always walking to school. i buy my lunch so that i save the earth buy not using plastic bags and bringing my own plate at times so that i don't use styro-phome(i think i spellt it wrong) but either way you get my point
It's nice to see people getting involved. I think it's great what your school is doing and hope more get on board. Mine too will be hooking up with Copenhagen tomorrow, I look forward to learning from your ideas and hopefully expanding on them into a resolution.
Paul Hauken shines some positivity on the issue of global warming. He believes that there are in fact some great people out there who are willing and supportive in saving Earth. Without these people I believe that our panet would be far worse and our carbon dioxide ratings would have skyrocketed even farther up the charts. They are trying to keep global warming in check, not letting it get too out of hand. If the majority of the planet believed and contributed as much effort as we should then global warming would not be such a great issue at the moment. I like how Hauken promotes the people who do in fact care enough to make an effort.
There are a lot of people willing to help the earth in any way, even if it means giving an arm and a leg. These people see the beauty of the nature around them and they try their hardest to keep it graceful, and green. There are other people who see green also but they see it through money and not the through the earth. These people make up the vast majority of the worlds population and sadly don’t confront the problems arising in the environment. So now the conflict that we really face is trying to get these people to see the risks of climate change and then getting them too help restore the environment.
Your right, but HOW is the question. Maybe some Stalinization methods of brainwashing, brute force or our current method of complete ignorance and stupidity. If a peaceful resolution can be met and agreed by all, great, although doubtful. So how long until someone steps up to the plate and actually starts to make a difference
This quote shows us the bright side of the global warming issue. There are some ordinary people in the world who are willing to change their ways in order to benefit the planet. They want to help restore the earth so future generations have a place to live. Some confront these facts about global warming and are doing what they can to try to change this. We need more people in the world to be like these ones who care and want to make a difference. If everyone did their part then we could save the planet and turn things around. This quote helps us to look on the bright side and realize that some people are really trying to do something about global warming. Without them global warming would get dramatically worse. This quote inspires me to be like one of these people and to do my part in saving our only home, earth
What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront
despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of
grace, justice, and beauty to this world.‛
I'm quite happy with my ecological footprint, and I'm not planning to change it. Much of what trying to make it smaller results in sacrificing your own quality of life, your money, and your time. "What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair" will hold true unless everyone goes "green", trying to hold onto their usual CONTENT way of living for their own happiness, not for the happiness of people in 2200. "In order to restore some semblance of
grace, justice, and beauty to this world", and some sanity, people should not be wasting away their lives supporting something that is being worried too much about.
This post was edited on: 2009-12-15 at 05:07 PM by: Murtagh
Oh my god, dude it's people like you that are ruining this planet minute by minute. Too stubborn and unwilling to change. It was been proven OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Read the goddam facts, honestly. 2200? Pay attention, changes have already begun, this is for the people of tomorrow, meaning us and our children. Great parent you'll be, "yeah go ahead and beat up tommy, that way you can have the daily lunch your used to." Open your eyes buddy, this is a global crisis. I could care less what your used to, or what im used to. We ALL need to make sacrificies. " Give some to get some " Well we've been getting for way too long now without giving anything back. It's time to make dividends, and I believe it should be by force, not whose willing to pitch in.
Greenpeace is just one of the major organizations who are trying to gain support and act against the government to preserve this world’s natural beauty. They need just normal people like you and me to help out. They encourage people to switch to energy efficient equipment and just to do the small things that will reduce their carbon emissions in order to protect this world. Anybody is able to do this and should if they can.
Basically this quote is highlighting the good things. It is saying that not everybody is ignorant to what is happening or giving in to the corruption or giving up hope. They are trying to make the world we live in a better place to be in for ourselves and for our future generations. They are also trying to reintroduce good things in our world and trying to give us a ‘happy ever after’. They are working on making most peoples dreams come true. Dreams such as: ending world hunger, or poverty or diseases or reducing our emissions so that we won’t ruin the planet. This quote says that there are people in the world that do care.
To reduce my ecological footprint I am recycling more,I am going to try to use the bus or car pool or ride my bike to places. I will also cut back on the amount of water I use daily for example cut back on my shower time.
True, there are a lot of people who are ready to put forth an effort in an attempt to save our world from its natural end. However, there are just as many who are putting this issue aside. They are focusing all of their attention on what matters more to them, like friends, money, and family. The fact of the matter is people are not going to help with issues if there is a risk that it will affect what matters more to them.
That's a great start. The exact type of optimism that should be exemplified by more people. This is not a lost cause, we can still do this. " Yes we can " !
"What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront
despair, power, and incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of
grace, justice, and beauty to this world."
I disagree. We should work on fixing our problems on earth instead of working on some issue which will start having extreme effects in 20 some years, in that time we should use our technology that we have now and use it to solve; proverty, war, and world hunger. I may seem like some hippie or whatever but we should work on the problems we have now and not the ones we think will happen.
I strongly disagree with you. The effects, have started already and if we do not stop the raise in our emissions by 2015, we are utterly screwed. War and all that crap will BE A RESULT of this b/c nobody will have enough water or the basic needs in order to live. You have it backwards im afraid, everything needs to take the backseat TO Global Warming. If we fail at this, everything else will not matter as all hell will break loose in a struggle to survive for the short period of time we will have left.
I think this is a very optimistic quote but is everyone really doing all they can to save earth? Perhaps not, because many are still in the dark about how global warming is resulting in many, many devestating results. I believe that everybody should contribute to this "anti-global warming" movement. I have started to car pool with my friends to school, and we have switched all of our home lights to fluuorescent lights. Everyday, if we have any thing that can be recycled, we put it into a bag and recycle it. We reuse many plastic bags and containers, and we also believe in washing our plastic cutlery for future use. The only problem we have now is to stop using electricity so much, because we don't always turn off our lights...But, as you can see, there are many ways that an average family or individual can do to help.
and there are some that think it can't be done. Sure, one can impact the world with just ones self, or even a small army, but it won't do any good unless everyone is involved. this is a group effort, and it can't be done just by ones self. the longer it takes the world to realize just what is happening, the less time we have to save the world and the harder it will be.
We can do it! My ecological footprint is 5.4 GHA. It's my old one but I am doing many things to improve it. I am replacing the air filters in my house, recycling more items, and even walking to school more. I also think that that this quote is kind of being put to affect but not as much as it can. I am working on improving my ecological footprint and I hope others are as well too.
My ecological footprint probably is average the rest of canada. I usually take the bus, walk short distances, have energy efficient appliances, recycle as much as possible and re-use scrap paper. However i still do get a ride in a car, use plastic bags, and produce a high amount of garbage and waste. But there is definitely a way for humans to save the earth from a destruction they created. If everybody did one small difference in their life the world would be a better place.
It would be different but is it enough? No. Is it fair to call on everybody on this planet to play an equal role in our global crisis? Of course not. What we really need is a passionate but senseable leader/group of leaders, hopefully the product of Cop15, that are willing to sacrifice the good they have to get the better, a home, the Earth.
Many of you have posted on the urgency of change and the apparent unwillingness of many people to do what is needed. I generally agree with you here.
However, many of the big decision makers and leaders in world are older and grew up in an age where climate change was not an large issue. This means it might not appear as urgent to them. You and I, though, are part of what we might call the climate change generation. We don't have long life experience with one way of living and by the comments in these discussions, many of you seem willing to try to make changes and live differently. This gives me hope, because it means that your willingness to embrace change and try to find new ways of living that won't destroys us will translate into action in your adult lives. You are not prisoners of your past the way some older people are.
In a few years, this could mean that you're enacting the change and not relying on our older generations. Which could also mean that we have hope in the face of climate change and other challenges. So while we might be frustrated by what isn't happening now, we'll be in charge soon...
You have an excellent point there and that inspires me. You speak the truth, our time is almost among us, and we shall be able to actually make our impact on this planet once and for all, we can do this people, and we must.
To maintain the balance between Earth and it's people, my family has started to recycle more often and use more energy efficient sources (ex. efficient lightbulbs).
I am trying very hard to persuade my family and friends to be more eco friendly for example simply turning off the light when not in use and be more aware of what we buy from the store. But I found that alot of times is that a vast majority favor economics over saving our planet. It is more expensive to buy the "green" material compared to the non eco-friendly products. In my opinion economic factors contribute greatly to reluctance of countries to take that step forward and save the world. But as this issue become greater people are slowly going more green!
And this is what may be humanity's life-saving force. Maybe our logic and common sense are finally kicking in to tell us we have gone too far with chaos and fundamental injustice. We are now seeing the problems and starting to repair them and we need to aid our new urge for redemption. It may or may not be too late, we need to decide this and take control, us ordinary people and show the past failures how things should be without their greed and desire for the greater economy. After all, this world has been made by failures being brought to justice by the common folk under their oppression.
I believe that this quote is correct, and that we do have the power to do it. Although Climate Change is a big task to take on, there are at least 6 billion people in this world, and if we can get all of our population to change or alter their lifestyle in some way, big or small, we will be able to fix this problem. My ecological footprint is somewhat high, and I believe that if I can monitor my purchases and energy usage, it will dramatically drop. As I said, it only takes a little adjustment to make dramatic differences.
ChrisGradMentor wrote:
"For me, I do not own a car and I walk or bicycle to school. Sometimes I use public transit, but rarely. When I travel long distances, I try to take the train first, bus, or shared care. I only fly if I have no other choice. I also try to buy as much fresh food that as been grown and produced locally as possible so that I limit the amount of emissions and energy used to transport it. This also reduces the amount of packaging and preservatives. I also recycle and compost everything I can. I turn off lights when I leave rooms, and use efficient light bulbs. Things like programmable thermostats which cool the house when no one is in it, and warm it when they are, are also good.
Did you know the City of Toronto, in Ontario, has public compost collection as well as normal garbage and recycling?
Check it out:
Could your city do the same?"
I think it's great that Toronto has stepped up and taken action on the climate change crisis and, other cities should feel obligated but not forced to do the same. Where I live it is hard to be environmentally friendly when I go to school 13 km away from my house with no possible way of using public transportation. Also, the town has not followed Calgary (the closest major city) in adopting large blue recycling bins for all citizens. The problem with living in Alberta is the direct connection to the oil and tar sands. Although it may not be easy I am starting to be more and more concerned about this issue and what I personally can do to reduce my carbon emissions and be more environmentally friendly.
Honnestly, most of the "ordinary" people I see in the world don't confront despair, power, and incalulable odds for grace and justice. I see them chucking Mcdonald's trash in the park, using the car to get mail and texting night and day. But what Paul Hauken sees is different from what I see because we're different people in different contexts. And even if a majority of the people i know aren't very eco-friendly, I still try to be. My family switched all the incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent, we hang-dry our clothes, we wash our own dishes, and we recycle as much as we can. I just wish other people could be more considerate of the world.
No one on this earth is just a bystander to climate change, and what is happening to our earth, they are either helping it or destroying it, and in my opinion the vast majority still continue to destroy it while acknowledging the impacts they are causing. They have reasons for not helping decrease global warming and climate change, but are those reasons valid, or do they hold up a good argument?
When one says I simply do not have the money to afford environmental safety resources or other pathetic excuses, would it count as a valid reason to continue and speed up the destruction of our earth, and the wipe out of all living things just like the dinosaurs have been wiped out, leaving behind only a ruined earth and fossils the proove they once existed?
Most people want to help the world, but then again lots of people just don't care. I, on the other hand, would like to help the world and fix global warming. To do that, I will start to walk more often, or carpool. I will continue to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Instead of turning up the heat, I will put on a sweater, wrap up in a blanket, or wear a Snuggie. Those are just the simple ways you can cut back. You can also speak out to people and get them notified on the world and maybe it will change how they think and they will reduce, reuse, and recycle as well.
i agree with this inspirational quote. its true that ordinary people are now begining to help stop the wrong doing of our world. unfortunately there many people who either just dont care or maybe are not aware of the problems that they are causing to our planet. i for one have begun to change the way i live little by little. instead of getting a ride to school, i take the bus. also i try to wear warmer clothes at home so that i dont have to turn the heat up even more. its in my belief that if people change the way they live a little bit at a time our planet may have a chance to survive.
One of the things I'm paying attention to is the food I eat. Reducing the amount of processed and packaged food I consume is a goal of mine.
So this might mean choosing an apple over a bag of chips, or even choosing foods that have less packaging.
People are constrained by i) time, and ii) money. We can be a little more realistic in how we allocate our dollars... I'm not always bound by time and money and will choose not to be.
We need to take our time and start preparing our meals and maybe turning this into a family activity.
As young people, your food choices might be bound by what your parents eat and buy, but think of the health benefits of reducing our dependency on takeaway food, not to mention the ecological ramifications. We can make small changes in our food culture so that we are doing more at home and depending less on packaged, ready-made foods.
This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 01:32 PM by: cangie
This quote shows what ordinary people are trying to do to stop global warming and they are trying to make a difference. I think that it is important to reduce our ecological footprint and save the environment. Major organizations need help and support from everyone to save the environment like using more energy efficient appliances. I am trying to reduce my ecological footprint by recycling more and using less water and gas.
I happen to disagree completely with Paul Hauken. He either lives in a place that is totally different than Edmonton, or else he is just seeing what he wants to see. Because what I see is thousands of people turning a blind eye to climate change, and buying more cars and producing more goods to help them live in comfort now. I think that because what is happening is so terrifying and such an alien idea to them, that they won't believe it until it is to late. Or if the government quits trying to hide it and steps up to the plate and starts trying to make a change. Because while our govenment is only thinking about economy and making more money, they are not bothering to educate the public on things they can be doing. Also, if the government isn't worried, people are probably thinking that it's no big deal, that it's just a made up theory that will never happen. So until something drastic happens or our governments start caring, nothing is ever going to make a big enough change enough to save the world.
Can we do it, is the real question. Billions of poeple world wide own technology to help them get to there destination faster, or connect to poeple easier. How can we expect human kind to just easly give up what they use everyday? Suure, there are buses to take, or just using a telephone instead of your cellphone, but are poeple really going to try and make an effort? The eco-friendly stuff takes a lot of effort for us to do. Waiting for the bus,and paying for the bus pass are examples. These are hassuls we must deal with. And even though some poeple take the eco-friendly way, and thats not a lot. We need to start acting all together as one nation to help us though this climate change. so we won't push ourselfs into exinction. Actually take action and do something, but how do we start?
With the billions of people in the world, it will be difficult for society to reverse all the despair and corruption that has already been introduced to the people all over the world. But we can change. The process will be long and tiring but all as one we must be willing to change for the better. The world's citizens working together and doing their share will slowly but surely change the effects of climate change. We should all begin to rely on public transport, solar power, organic food, and many others. It may be expensive, but it is nothing compared to how much better your life will be and how much money you will save in the long run. This will help all the countries in the world and sustain life if not more, just a little bit longer.
Reversing the environmental damage that we have already caused over the past several years is going to be an extremely difficult challenge to take on. However, it could be possible to fix the situation or halt it if it becomes a global initiative. There are many individuals and organizations, such as Greenpeace, out there who are desperately rallying for change and are willing to make sacrifices in an attempt to save our fragile planet. Going green would definately require people to give up some luxuries, but there are also little things that could be done to be more eco-friendly that I am also trying to do to reduce my ecological footprint. Small steps such as always turning the lights off when not in use, keeping the computer shut off (instead of just leaving it) when done, take out the plugs when they are not in use, taking the bus more or walking when appropriate, reducing wastes/garbage produced, or even just recyling all possible trash can help make a difference. It is also important that ALL people take on the initiative and it is not only a few people in the world who are picking up their slack. Everyone should be striving to reduce their footprint and taking measures to help protect the environment. If the entire global community is willing to take on this task, our planet will see change.
I have to disagree with this statement. There are a lot of people in this world that might SAY that they would change their habits in order to slow down the affects of global warming. But let's be honest, no one's really going to stop living like they do until it becomes absolutely essential. We live in such a fast society that no one can afford to stop and think for once about how we're killing our planet. I believe this statement to be one of very wishful thinking. It is also very far from true as of this point in time.
I believe the people this quote is talking about, are people in an undeveloped country, they're suffering really badly from global warming already and probably don't want to experience more in the next coming years.But other then that i don't think people are ready to change their lifestyles for some prediction scientists are making, until they see some kind of disaster then they will finally understand the consequenses of their actions, but it would be too late, that's why they aren't taking action now. Well at least most of the people aren't caring and aren't taking action.. I love earth and try my best to do things that are enviromentaly healthy i recyle a lot and use those energy efficient light bulbs..
It is true that there are many 'ordinary' people in the world who are trying to help the world they live in, but this is not enough. What about all the people who actually have the power and money to make a huge difference? They don't care, as long as it doesn't affect the way they are living. Even if there are millions of ordinary people vying to make a difference in the world, they wouldn't be able to do it without the support of even millions of more ordinary, if not extraordinary people. Only then will we see grace, justice and beauty be restored in our world.
This quote is an opinion, which is true. Most of the people in the world don’t care about the environment but at the same time there a that few people who do care and are trying to make a change. For starters I use public transportation a lot rather than going in a car. I buy organic foods and ones with less packaging. I encourage my parents to use efficient light bulbs at home and turn off the lights when not needed. Every day people are affecting the planet without even knowing.
Its great that someone does see and acknowledge the people who are doing their part to help this world. If everyone could be this optimistic about the whole situation there really wouldnt be any problems. Yet i still see that most of the people out there are the ones who are contributing to the mess, probably because they just dont believe anything can be done to solve this. But there is plenty of things we can do, we just all got to work together.
Personally I think to be able to respond to this quote you would have to support the idea of climate changes and believe in reducing your ecological footprint-I’m not opposed I’d just like to point that out. I choose to reduce my carbon emission footprint when ever it is convenient for me-kinda like hitting two birds with one stone. For example when presented the opportunity of either throwing my recyclables in the trash or the recycling bin I’d choose the latter of the two, I’m no giant activist but I do what I can where I can. I take the bus, support the idea of climate change and obviously contribute to discussions about it among other things to help out ol’mother nature. I also believe that my opinion on carbon emission action is key for governments or anyone trying to find ways to stop emissions. I figure a lot of people are like me-when presented the option for an eco-friendly solution they will take it (If it doesn’t inconvenience them-no matter how conceded that sounds) but they won’t go out of their way to (For example) boycott a giant problem causing entity.
I personally don`t own a car and in the coming future I hope to own one that runs on hydrogen gas and emit on pure water. My GHA now is 2.9 but I have been working it down by replacing all my bulbs in the house with energy efficient, change all batteries to rechargeable ones, and I have taken a bit shorter shower (used to be 20 min long showers). All I see around me are people how are willing to change but find it hard too. We are all big-hearted people, we just have to show it.
Sorry but I cannot agree with that. It is true that there are people willing to fix the world. However if it comprimizes their lifestyle do you really believe that they go through with it. No. People by nature are suspisious and greedy. When it really comes down to it its your family against somelses. Kill a stranger or someone you known? Do you honestly think that they would agree to save some strangers life over their own??? If you look at history its every man for him self. Only when it is to late do people come togther. This is proven over and over again throught our history. Yes we could save the world but we're not because when you think about it most people who could make the difference just don't care. We can do it yea we could if we changed the fundementale basis of every human being on the planet.
I believe that everyone has the potential to change the climate crisis going on in our world. We all have the power to do little things that make a big impact on our planet. From this experience of responding to threads and watching the Copenhagen video conference, I have learned more in depth about the causes and effects of climate change. The steps I have taken are small, but we all have to start somewhere. It's hard for some people to change the way they do things when they have lived a certain way for the entire span of their life. I hope to see that small steps I have taken such as turning off lights and appliances I am not using and recycling, will turn into bigger more influential movements like taking action to make my lifestyle more eco friendly through the energy sources I use, the clothing I choose to buy, the food I choose to eat, and the companies I choose to support. The idea of so much effort seems to be a daunting task but in the grand scheme of things when everyone works together the idea seems more tangible.
This post was edited on: 2010-01-01 at 03:04 AM by: Cayley3457
People may be willing to “confront despair, power, and incalculable odds” but nowadays, we are more consumed with our selfish, greedy ways. We worry more about how doing things might hurt our economy. Our economic status presently is far from perfect, but if we spent time making the economy better, it would be a waste, because then we would take action, action taken much too late. After a while, all we do won’t make a difference, because we would already be too far gone. The time for action is now, but people feel they can put it off until tomorrow, then the next day, then it is totally forgotten.
Everybody can lower their ecological footprint but the problem that arises is there is not enough incentive to do so. In the long run it'll save our planet, but most money hungry citizens don't see that far. Small changes do help lower your footprint like taking public transport and buying "green" products; but that isnt enough for our mother earth to sustain our emissions. we need to take our efforts one step furthur for our future generations
What I have to say to this is that I, truthfully, have not changed much. I still recycle and everything like many other people do, but that's about it. The thing that I do have to say, is that in your response Mr. Kosowan, I think that you are incorrect in some cases. Sure, most people do recycle and some have special dishwashers that save energy and water. Really though, I think, that 3/4 of this planet could care less! All they want is to "have the newest car!" or "have the biggest house!" or even "I need a whole new wardrobe, because this is SO last season!" Most people think that because they aren't doing anything, someone else will pick up thier slack and do double time. Well, most people might think that way, and sometimes I see myself doing that too. What I really think is that yes, if we change the way we think and do things, we can really do something about this global issue, but until we get thinking that way, it will always be a problem.
I don't really agree this is that true because when i look around i don't see people very concerned about our enviornment. I agree though that some people are taking steps to help it improve but i would call those people a minority. The others see it happening now that its become a bigger issue and the media is a huge help but i think they think that "oh who cares what difference is one person gonna make" meaning themselves and they don't see or know how much power they have and posess.
Unfortunately i have to say that this person is not looking deep enough into the people in the world. Yes there are the minority that are concerned and are doing what they can to improve our world.Many people are now recycling more and are biking or walking or taking the bus. People are buying green approved products. But the majority are more concerned about their next pay check.
I don't own a car personally, but my family owns two. I have been encouraging them to drive less, and walk, car pool, or take the bus more often. Personally I have been walking alot more than in the past, because I relized that its not only better for the planet, but for me too! My dad also bought new ecofriendly light bulbs to replace the old ones when they aren't dead. My family has also covered the majorty of windows in our house with a specail plastic that helps lock the heat inside our house. This is a great thing to have, especailly in the winter month. It not only saves our family money, but wastes less energy. Another action that I have taken is asked my mom to buy toleitpaper made of recylced paper. She willingly agreed to do so, but only to be used at our cabin.
Can we do it? Can we stop our usage from the things we need most in the world to survive. like cars, cellphones, heating our homes,and electricty is used for many things. How can we be expected too give up our essential needs. We use them so much, we never stop to think about how much the yaffect our planet. Our ecological footprint is so huge when it comes to factories and cars that pollute the atomsphere. Therfore I ask this, how many poeple are willing to give that up? And is it enough to help us get through this diseaster to come.
This post was edited on: 2010-01-07 at 09:04 PM by: cutie94
This quote is only half true, yes there are many ordinary people in this world but not all of them are willing to confront "despair, power and incalculable odds". but what i think this person is trying to say is that there are many people in this world ready to fight and together we can overcome and "restore some semblance of grace justice, and beauty to this world".
i beg to differ because when i look out, i dont see people doing enough for our world, and because of that i fear that though we are not confronting these issues today, someday we'll have no choice but to truly face despair, power and incalculable odds and i fear that day will be the day when our planet is beyond the point of repair.
There are people willing to do so, but they aren't actually doing anything - most likely because they can't. What we need to truly lower our Ecological Footprint isn't readily available or is too expensive. Another huge factor is the economy is the main importance in the world. I'd like to be able to say it isn't, but it is. If only we could start a new economy - move ourselves into creating energy in many new ways and create jobs in this new industry so that the fossil fuels could then be moved away from. There would be huge potential from new energy sources and there could be an energy trade, where excess energy could be sold to other places that would need it. The same wonderful world we live in, except with the problem of pollution solved (don't call me naive, I think it's good to hope for that =P). Then we could move on to tackle simpler problems like saving rain forests and garbage and it's disposal. Yeah, I truly think they're more simple. Anyway, it seems that if we get some people thinking that they won't have to lose their way of life, just change it a bit - the paragraph Mr. Godwaldt states can come true.
well since i dont drive and sort of cant make decisions on my own, i cant really effect my ecological footprint. I am recycling more though. and i try not to use water so much. Im also trying to convince my mother to have me walk to school instead of using transportation.
I think that many people in the world are willing to help and try to stop the destruction we are doing to the planet but most of them havent tried to help because they dont understand what we are doing to Earth or know how they can help. This man may see people that way but if everyone is giving effort to the global cause, we could really see a difference in a matter of years. Just one person cant make that much of a difference but a whole country or continent could.
Christopher Lyon
Dec 10, 2009 at 12:56 AM