Lesson 1.2 - Take Action Now!! - What do you think about the Greenpeace quotation, calling for action?

Nov 30, 2009 at 1:27 AM by Terry Godwaldt

‚Climate change is real and it is happening right now. Its reality can be seen in
melting ice, dying coral reefs, rising sea levels, changing ecosystems and
prolonged and more severe droughts. According to the [World Health
Organisation], 150,000 people are dying every year as a result of climate
change. It is for this reason that the world needs to take action now before
our planet becomes damaged beyond repair.‛
~ Greenpeace International

83 Replies

Calebe Dias Gonçalves
Dec 2, 2009 at 8:09 PM

They made a call for change, but the worst is coming. It's true that we need to start our actions. We belong to Earth, we need to save it.
The "bad changes" isn't just related to nature, animals... It's related to us
There's time now, but in the future maybe it isn't possible.

Dec 3, 2009 at 1:07 PM

what green peace has said is very true. Everything mentioned is happening and we as humans take for granted the earth that we live on. Many people are trying very hard to save our planet, but for others i believe that it is because of old habits that they are not trying as hard. Their way of living for many years have been wasteful and it had never occured to them until they are told now by scientists that that way of life is very harmful to not only the Earth but people all around the world. It is like the saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." To sum up my reply, it will just be harder for many people to change old habits especially when so many live depend on jobs that dirty the environment (i.e. oil and gas industry) but for the new generation we have to take action now to prevent further damages.

ana francheska v. biclar
Dec 3, 2009 at 1:11 PM

I strongly agree to the Greenpeace Quotation, if we wont take action right away, it might become too late. People today only cares about progress, innovation and money. Only a handful of people actually cares about our home. Not only the government should do something about it,but everybody should. For us to gain something this big, it needs everybody's cooperation. I know that everybody can see changes in our climate, they think its not big of a deal, we can feel the changes and we can see it. People should stop denying to themselves that we are ruining our planet. We should take action before its too late.

Gabriel Gana
Dec 3, 2009 at 1:13 PM

Indeed, we should take action now. The natural disasters that happened in Europe and Asia should be a wake up call to every leader of every country in the world. It is time for them to know that climate change is not, as some naysayers believe, a theory with little proof but a proven fact that indeed is happening all over the world. The implementation of better environmental policies, and the cooperation of nations throughout the world to achieve environmental sustainability will be some of the ways we can repair the damage done.

Dec 3, 2009 at 1:15 PM

there have been several wakeupcalls but still polotitions and companies still do not listen because they have lived there life and they dont care about any but them selves, i think we should take it into our own hands before its too late.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-03 at 01:16 PM by: RichardPham

Kevin Capuno
Dec 3, 2009 at 1:17 PM

It is important that we take action now, and I completely agree with the statement that Greenpeace has said. We are the future generation and since past generations have misused our Earth, it is our responsibility to take care of our Home!

jason dhaliwal
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:14 PM

I dont think it will be possible to balance both ends of the spectrum. On one side it's all about the environment and how we should respect our earth and the other side is about making money, economic flow and more money. In my opinion, i dont think that we could satisfy this quality. To make more money, you probably will be dealing with some sort of major industry which in the end damages the environment. To make a pollution free world, our life styles would have to be dramatically changed. We would have to find substitutions to our already well known gas and oil. In the end it will be a waste of time trying to satisfy both ends.

Carlos Alaeddine
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:16 PM

I think the world needs to take action as soon as possible because if not we may get to a point where we cannot turn back. crying Corporations and governments need to work together to cut down on hazardous wastes to the environment, also general citizens need to work to recycle and cut down on electricity/fossil fuel use. If not many habitats will be destroyed and possibly the entire human race will die off as a result of our own actions. confused

Marc Weber
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:18 PM

My opinion towards climate change is that, you do not need to be overly "environmental", or help in huge projects, and still not feel guilty about contributing towards global warming. Simply being a bit more conservative with your water, electricity, and usage of fuel saves alot of money, and does its part trying to preserve the environment. Only use what you really need, and save excesses. For instance, do not leave your sink water running while it's not in use. Turn off lights when you're outside of the room, don't idle your car, and so on. This alone qualifies you as being "green" and helps save the environment.

Emily Baines
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:18 PM

Sure they are calling for help now, but I think they are very stupid for taking so long! Did they have to wait till our world to become like this to realize that this is a major problem! It started before, so I think that what they are trying to do now should have been done before. Sure, congrats for doing this now, want a cookie? We have to take derastic action now, but before, if we just toned everything down a bit instead of wanting to make a profit, which by the way, is going to go to helping the planet now, it could have been avoided instead of proggresing this much! So you made money, hurray! Now that money is going to go to the damage you made making it idiots! If we weren't in this situation now, would we have even started taking at least some action? Who knows, but at least we are doing something now, and at least its progress.

Kelsy Moffatt
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:19 PM

Climate change is not just about animals dying. It's not only about the earth getting warmer. It's the fact that people, animals, AND things in nature are just being harmed.
Everything is affected by the choices we make, and we make the wrong decisions it doesn't only affect us, it affects the whole world. At one point, we will not be able to do anything about these things we've done.
Ultimately, we have to be happy with the efforts we make to reverse this. If people don't care, we won't get very far because one person can't change the world. Reversing global warming has to be a GLOBAL effort.

Austin Shaw
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:20 PM

I agree with this quote. I think that climate change is real, and can lead to many devastating results. I don't necessarily agree with the idea that 150 000 people die per year from only climate change. I don't think that raising temperatures are contributing to all of these deaths. I agree that climate change is DEFINATLY happening, but I think it’s too late to reverse these changes. It would be impossible for the whole world to suddenly stop this climate change, therefore, I think that climate change will be never-ending.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:21 PM

This quote is amazingly accurate yet it fails to mention why these things are happening. They are basically just telling us what is happening but not the cause. They are here spending millions of dollars telling us to take action where they could have took that money and used to it plant trees. Them calling for action might be a waste of money but it will draw some attention from certain people. Yet humans are creatures of routine. We act how we acted before and to change it is like getting a lion to eat tofu instead of meat. Instead of broadcasting a message and using millions of dollars in the process, use that money to help plant trees.

Michael West
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:21 PM

I agree strongly with Greenpeace because you can see evidence of global warming. The changing environment is changing the way we have to live. The world will not be the same in the future if we do not change the way we live. Climate change is everywhere and it is affecting all of us. We need everyone’s cooperation to save the planet and if everyone does something to save the planet we can make a difference. coolcool

Angela Linton
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:22 PM

I think this is a really valid situation. We have the privilege of living on earth and it's hard to believe we aren't even taking care of it. Not only that but the world knows what we have done and is aware of the effects and consequences so we need to take action before it's too late. I think if everyone put in at least a little bit of effort then we could save our world. I think one reason why I am not taking as much action as I should is because I have not been drastically affected by these factors of the world being affected but us humans.smile sad shocked

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

why should we start now? even if we stop everything right now, all the emissions that we have added into the air will still be there and will continue to warm up the earth. if we are already near the tipping point, by the time all the greenhouse gas levels are back to normal, we will already be past the tipping point and falling into chaos.

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

Being able to properly address this huge issue will be important for sustaining life on Earth as we know it. Climate change will lead to biodiversity reduction, mass extinctions, and poverty and hardship for people on the planet. The ice caps melting will not only increase global warming, but it will create massive flooding of lands that will destroy lives of species and peoples. Climate change will also increase the risk of natural disasters; there will be more destructive tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, and forest fires. This forces will wipe out life and resources; the planet will face loss in life and poverty due to crop failure and livestock death. Disease will also be mutated and spread worldwide due to temperature changes. Peoples and biodiversity will be killed off, and those who survive will face despair due to the destruction. The world must take action or else our planet does not have any chance of life.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-03 at 05:24 PM by: amyy10

This post was edited on: 2009-12-07 at 04:40 PM by: amyy10

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

I agree with this quote is saying becuase climate change is very important. We all need to take action and do our part to stop this from ruining our planet. If people only knew the severity of the consequences that came along with climate change. Not only does it affect our wildlife but also us as humans. It is ruining our planet as we speak and this is caused mostly by us. We are creating too much pollution that is contributing to the higher temperatures and more. There are so many consequences to it and these have consequences of their own. We are creating a chain of reactions that we can only imagine. We all need to do our part now and take action!

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

I definitely agree with this quote/view on climate change, because climate change is affecting and changing the world faster than the majority of the world knows. There are still a lot of countries out there that ignore these signs of dangerous changes happening, and continue to impact Earth in the way that only harm Earth more to gain for themselves. We only have one planet to live on, and if we do not change our ways fast and drastically, Earth will not last much longer for many more generations. I also find it sad that so many species are going extinct because of climate change over the past decade, but we can still save the species that still exist; and all that takes is a global effort and a determination to save Mother Earth.

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM

I agree! We need to take action now before it is too late to do anything. Climate change can effect so much of our lives. Climate change makes the Earth hotter and hotter, the warmer temperature allows mosquitos and other insects to carry and spread diseases like Malaria. We polluted our planet and created climate change, we are going to end up hurting ourselves. If we can use less fossil fuels, and lower our greenhouse emmission rates it could make a large difference.

Cassie Sontag
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:27 PM

I definitely agree that global warming is a huge problem. It's time for people to realize that we need to take action in order to prevent it. With so many people dying around the world each year, climate change affects more lives than you might think, as these peoples's loved ones are affected too. It also endangers species living in coastal areas, as well as places of extreme temperatures. Climate change is something that we need to worry about NOW, not tomorrow or next week.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-07 at 04:51 PM by: IAMAWESOME

This post was edited on: 2009-12-07 at 04:52 PM by: IAMAWESOME

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:27 PM

What has been said is true. However millions of people die every year not just from climate change. So why is it so different now.Yes we have curb global warming but not for that reason alone. If we do not some how find a solution we are talking about the extiniction of an entire planet. It will not effect the human race suddenly or first. With the loss of the ice caps water temp. will rise drasticly and cause many if not all marine life to die. Not only that but the sea level will rise. Then we (humans) will feel the effect. The sea levels rising and the temp. incereasing alone will destroy cizilations. Next to come will be the spread of disease. Disease will not only kills humans but also crops. So those who survive the plage/s will starve to death. This also contributes to loss of habitat so that fresh meat will no longer exsit. The earth will become a desolate wastland in which very few can survive. For these reasons we should be concerned.

Abdallah Abu-Saris
Dec 3, 2009 at 5:27 PM

The concept in itself is not stable, as global climate change depends on lots of variables, ex. what if its just a cycle of the earth trying to go back to normal.nerdy

However, the biggest variable, truly, is us humans, and i dont believe that we can stop it. Why? because of democratic development and stubborn companies. (The CEO cant be assassinated because of some rights and illegalities. Please ignore comment)cool

If these companies can be boycotted to the core, or convinced then we might have a chance, its their factories making the smoke, (its their cows releasing the methanes). But its still us supporting them. Otherwise, say bye bye human race. (or hello ice age)stick out tongue

Dec 3, 2009 at 5:27 PM

I agree with this quote. We need to take action before it is too late to save our planet. We need to preserve Earth for future generations so they can benefit from it like how past generations did and how we are doing now. Our planets environment is changing rapidly for the worse and if we do not act now then our planet will be past saving and it will be all our fault. “Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.”

Natália Uehara
Dec 3, 2009 at 9:12 PM

Greenpeace is urging us all to take action in the face of climate change. Nothing fairer if one is to consider how humans are the only ones to be blamed for this state of affairs. Our drive to fulfill materialistic desires and seek as much pleasure and comfort as we can has impacted climate in a way we would have never guessed. Our selfish pursuits have got to be kept under control so that we can consider for just a few seconds how our consumption habits are condemning diverse species and many humans to a devastating fate. A few seconds of honest reflection should be enough to waken one to change and take action.

Dec 4, 2009 at 1:03 PM

Although your perspective is correct, i still think both sides of the spectrum could be be balanced. If you think about it, instead of spending all the money on Oil Sands and Coal to produce energy, money can be spent on Wind turbines, and other renewable sources to produce energy. It still makes people money, and it is more eco-friendly. The world just needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

Dec 4, 2009 at 1:19 PM

I definitely agree with the Greenpeace quotation calling for action. It will be difficult to get everyone to participate in this action, but if we get everyone to take small steps into changing the world then eventually these tiny steps will add up and turn into a bigger change.

I feel heartless for saying this, especially because I am living a comfortable life compared to those in the Third World countries, but is it not a good thing that 150,000 people die every year because this helps the population crisis to decrease? And once again, I’m sorry for this statement.

DJ Ferguson
Dec 4, 2009 at 4:58 PM

As most have replied, I agree as well with the greenpeace quote. Climate cahnge is an issue we must face. I believe much of a contribution towards climate change is caused by human actions of pollution, but I do not believe it is all solely caused by human hands. Isn't climate change an issue the earth has been dealing with long before the time of humans? I believe it's a natural occuring phenomena but we are in fact speeding the occurance. Despite whether or not we are purely the cause, we need to take action to reduce our carbon emissions and waste. stunned

Dec 4, 2009 at 5:01 PM

I agree, we need to act.
But the thing is.. our chances of getting EVERYBODY to help out is slim to none.
I think that if everybody did atleast 5 minutes of recycling, reusing and composting then the world would start to be a better place.

Batoul Karkash
Dec 4, 2009 at 5:12 PM

i agree. we need to realize that global warming issues are relavent to us, that they aren't something happening to someone else, someplace else. they are happening everywhere, and they are happening now.

Dec 4, 2009 at 5:16 PM

It is true that these problems exist, but people are failing to realize it, and how severely it impacts us, and future generations. It is our responsibility to let people know worldwide the dangers to come if we don't take action now.
Meanwhile we should take steps into decreasing our own mistakes that lead to climate change. Some areas are being more colder, and some are becoming more warmer, is this what we want for our Earth, to be so unstabalized that it has trouble sustaining life?
It's true that if you start putting a few bottles in the recycle bin, and use less shower water that it won't make much of an impact, that's why the knowledge of climate change and it's imapcts are crucial to spread.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-06 at 10:30 PM by: dreamgirl1994

Christopher Lyon
Dec 4, 2009 at 5:20 PM

Hi, I'm Chris, one of the graduate student mentors helping with this. As I said in my comment on the 'Collapse' discussion, I'm very impressed with the quality of your comments. You are all thinking very well and recognise the need for people to change their ways.

So, as I asked in the 'Collapse' discussion, I wonder how you think individual people and society can actually make the change?

How do people change their behaviour and make choices to consume less or differently? Is this something a government could force us to do? Or is this better left for people to decide on their own?

Angelica Maldonado
Dec 4, 2009 at 5:24 PM

The state of our world and environments are quickly withering. now, with all the extreme climate changes, and the broadcast of all this change, worldwide, we are really starting realize all the damage we're causing. In the past couple of years, we have really got this reality right in the face. There are already people trying to make changes worldwide, but some is not enough. The more we realize about these extreme problems, the more we have to team up to stop them.

jassy bajinder
Dec 4, 2009 at 5:27 PM

I agree with this quote, but when i think about it, do people really want to do anything? Those who are already feeling the burn of climate change are those who can't really do a thing, while the people in more economically advanced countries are not doing as much as they should be doing. The majority of the people who are aiding the climate change are us if you think about it. We should be doing more but we are not the ones who will feel the damage that the world will take on one day. If we all work together we can save the planet from the very creatures it has been protecting since the earliest of humans who first lived on Earth.

Sammi Ash-Lee Taylor
Dec 4, 2009 at 7:22 PM

I think that Greenpeace is making a good point, that if we don't take action now then we will see major damage to be done. So we need to start thinking about our planet and thinking how we should fix things, because if we don't then you will see the world come to a end. We need to think about the animals and understand that they have feeling to, and were destroying there home too, not just ours. So we need to take a step now and encourage others to join along.

Arooj Naz
Dec 4, 2009 at 7:58 PM

The comment presented by Greenpeace has a fact that is truthful yet very appalling. According to research, after the 'tipping point'(the point after which we can’t do anything to change the future), the Earth’s temperature will drop 6°C! The animal’s will die off and all that humans will co-exist with is things such as mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats. The climate has already changed dramatically. Here in Edmonton, we get snowed in by the month of October or even earlier at times but this year, the snow hit in December. Even though the snow is cold, it's beautiful. To prevent the loss of natural elements such as snow, rain and sunshine etc., we have to take action NOW!nerdy

Braydon Shaw
Dec 5, 2009 at 9:08 PM

I agree strongly with Greenpeace and believe that we do need to take action now. It was us humans who caused this problem; we should be the ones that should fix it. This cleanup is massive and will take at least a century to fix completely. We have a limited amount of time to do so, and if we don’t start soon we will lose our chance. The future lies in our hands, and although we weren’t necessarily the people who caused this problem, we should take responsibility and fix it.

Geneva Giang
Dec 5, 2009 at 10:28 PM

I agree with Greenpeace, climate change is happening now and everyone needs to work together to stop it before it's too late because right now our chances of reversing climate change are very slim. More animals and species are going to become extinct. I think that people won't really start to change the way they live their life until it gets to the point where it's really bad, worst than it is now; then they will start to get worried about it and take action.

Dec 6, 2009 at 8:38 PM

I think global climate change is affecting our planet at a very fast rate and we have as soon as possible to stop it. People can help slow it down by doing small things in their everyday life like recycling, walking to places that are close, not overusing energy, maybe even driving less and taking the bus instead. If enough people do things like this to reduce their ecological footprint than eventually there could be slight changes in the climate for the better and not for the worst.

Dec 6, 2009 at 9:39 PM

I agree with the Greenpeace quotation, but the threat of climate change is going to continue until the world really starts to take action. What some might not realize is that climate change is threatening lives everywhere, not just those of the animals and plants, but us humans as well. Majority of us are putting this issue aside, focusing on things we consider more important, like our social lives. If drastic measures aren’t taken now, future generation will be the ones to suffer, as well as the ongoing threat of endangered species.

Dec 6, 2009 at 10:58 PM

I think that the Greenpeace quotation is directing a very important message about climate change that people need to hear. The fact that the world is deteriorating before our eyes and no one has stood up to devise a plan to end climate change shows me that people are too ignorant to accept that the world is in this state because of our own actions. Although the rise in temperature may be due to a scientific weather cycle, it doesn't mean we aren't to blame for the destruction of our planet. There is no solid proof that the temperature fluctuation is due to this proposed cycle, so why should we sit back and continue our habits when we could be working towards bettering the health of our planet? Greenpeace is stating the facts and it is in our power to reverse them, or to leave the problems to escalate. This quotation is telling us that if we don't do something, the state of our planet will only get worse, and it will only be from our own faults.

nour fares
Dec 7, 2009 at 4:34 PM

I agree this is a big deal
for our future generations to pay for our poor disisions is simply unjust.but im afraid just saying so is hopless, people have to take action befor it becomes out of our controll, and if its not our governments that are too drenched in wealth to think clearly, than it should be us, and though people argue that we are not the reason for this climate change and that its merly the earths natural cycle, if we'r not causing it, we'r rapidly speeding it up and if it doesnt effect us it will effect our children who won't have a future to look forward to.

Dec 7, 2009 at 4:36 PM

"Climate change is real and it is happening right now. Its reality can be seen in
melting ice, dying coral reefs, rising sea levels, changing ecosystems and
prolonged and more severe droughts. According to the [World Health
Organisation], 150,000 people are dying every year as a result of climate
change. It is for this reason that the world needs to take action now before
our planet becomes damaged beyond repair."

What we should do before global warming takes effect is to develop poor countries and make sure that everybody is up to par with the rest of the world, then we should attempt to solve this problem. We shouldn't rush with global warming because we have solved more important things in our life times. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Anyway, if we screw up then the next generation will solve the problem of global warming.

Dec 7, 2009 at 4:37 PM

I agree that climate change is an issue that should be acknowledged right now. Not only because of all of the deaths of not only people but many animal species. I believe that people should stop acting lazy, saying that we have lots of time before all the climate changes become deadly. We must begin making changes in our daily lifestyles because these tiny changes may have huge impacts around the world.

smilesadshockedbig grinwinkstick out tonguecoolcryingmadconfusedstunnedangrycoolnerdyangelicsecretive

Saba Al Hammouri
Dec 7, 2009 at 4:38 PM

Climate change is happening and we need to do something about it now. We can all do our part by recycling and producing less carbon emissions. Even though that might not be enough to stop climate change. The Government needs to accept the fact that the earth isn't what it used to be a while back and we are rapidly losing resources. Also companies can start using ecologically friendly products and producing less pollution. Although we can’t reverse the things that climate change has done we can try to put it to a halt.

Nancy Nguyen
Dec 7, 2009 at 4:43 PM

I agree completely with the statement that was released by Greenpeace. Many things are happening in the world due to climate change and the people and our government are doing little to change it or reverse the process. Millions and millions of fossil fuels are being released into the environment, damaging the ozone layer, destroying habitats, and endangering a variety of species. The government must be the first to take action so that the citizens will follow their example. They should take public transportation, recycle and cultivate habitats instead of hurting them. With this statement from Greenpeace, I hope people will truly begin to realize what an impact climate change has to the Earth and what we as individuals and a community can do to prevent further issues.

Dec 7, 2009 at 4:46 PM

I also agree with this quote. Its true, we are all destroying the earth we live on. If we were to all just pitch in a little bit, like recycled everything that can be recycled and actually started using these energy efficient products that are being invented for our benefit, maybe we wouldnt have to worry so much. If EVERYONE just helped the most that they could, the world would be so much better. If we all really wanted to keep our world alive, we would all start to take action.

David Roberts
Dec 7, 2009 at 4:52 PM

My name is David Roberts and I'm a graduate student mentor for these lessons.

I see that there is much consensus regarding the seriousness of climate change and the importance of taking action. Some comments have even suggested the need for a "mindset change" in society.

While this is all well and good, HOW do we make these changes? HOW will people be convinced to change their habits and behaviors?

Some questions you might want to think about:

1) Does there have to be a financial (money) incentive?

2) What other incentives might be effective?

3) What would it take for YOU to live a carbon-reduced lifestyle?

Dec 7, 2009 at 4:56 PM

I agree but we cannot go about this by asking the goverment and business owners to cough up millions of dollars.we have to go about this in a smart and cunning way.We have to start opposing their laws you know like not paying certain taxes not buying factory produced itemsshockedhow you may ask are we to get some certain neccesities the either buy from a farm or buy some items from a none polluting engine maker or source.The French engineer Guy Negre has developed a concept of a totally non-polluting engine for use in urban areas.That way they have to listen to us and sell what we want to buy

Dec 7, 2009 at 4:59 PM

I agree with greenpeace 100%. However, we need to stop talking about the fact that we need to start caring for our world and actually start doing it. For my whole life I have heard how we are using to much, and ruining what is left, but no one has ever taken charge and made a change, everyone just talks about things you can do. But to bring people down to earth, it is no longer about things that you can do, its about things that you need to do in order to save the world!

Dec 7, 2009 at 8:50 PM

i agree with this statement. We must take action now before anything much worse occurs. We should all pitch in to prevent from anything severe happens. If it effects people's lives, then that is more of a reason to take action. Taking action now is the wisest thing to do instead of just waiting around.

April Grace Petrascu
Dec 7, 2009 at 10:09 PM

Climate change is real and it is happening right now. Its reality can be seen in melting ice, dying coral reefs, rising sea levels, changing ecosystems and prolonged and more severe droughts.
According to the [World Health
Organisation], 150,000 people are dying every year as a result of climate change. It is for this reason that the world needs to take action now before
our planet becomes damaged beyond repair.
~ Greenpeace International

I fully agree to this quote, because if we do not stop our ways now, surely, in less than our lifetime, our world will not be as great and wonderful like our parents, grandparents and ancestors have enjoyed. In addition to our world changing dramatically, it has even come down to people dying. Even so, many people believe that we sould live as though its "surivival of the fittest." But who can truely live when our Earth has become nothing more than a mere memory.

Ashley Polny
Dec 7, 2009 at 10:58 PM

Yes! We must do something about it instead of grieving and watching it become more disastrous. We're getting closer to the tipping point and soon enough, we wont be able to stop this. Some people believe that there's nothing left we can do but I believe that this isn't over yet. We must take action NOW.

Megan Shmyr
Dec 7, 2009 at 11:19 PM

I agree that climate change is happening now and that we can already see the consequences. It's been the cause of so many discussions and many agree it's happening. But the quote fails to place credit where it is due. We are the one's who created the whole mess in the first place but are we really trying to fix it? A few honestly want to fix the problem but I'm convinced that us and our society as a whole don't actually care one way or another. How many of us would be content to live in a tiny home on a little plot of land? How many of us would be willing to give up our highly held technology, our ipods, cell phones and computers? How many of us would give our all to help others and not seek some profit or want some kindness in return, helping others just for the sake of helping others? I'll say it as many times as needed - we are greedy, selfish beings. It's not just about the earth warming, or some animal species dying, or even about a few million people dying; it's about our whole existance being extinguished. We are already at the tipping point. The only way that I could see us posibly slowing down (though not completely stoping) our deterioration is if we completely abandoned all the stuff we hold so precious. However that in itself is an impossibility because of our selfishness. So, I truly believe that no matter what we try to do to "fix" climate change it will not work. We are only kidding ourselves. We are doing too little, too late. That, though, does not mean we should shirk responsibility, we should hold onto what time we have left and do everything in our power to try and prolong the inevitable.

Dec 8, 2009 at 12:13 AM

I think that though there is truth in this quote, it is a little biased. It seems to say that if serious action isn't taken we as a race are forsaken. A number like 150 000 is huge, but it's not much compared to the death tolls some diseases rack up, yet there isn't much done to prevent this. We do of course need to take action and slow down then eventually stop this trend of global climate change, or else this will become all too true, and 150 000 yearly deaths an understatement of the severity of climate change.

Caitlynn Court
Dec 8, 2009 at 1:25 AM

Yes!! I totally agree that it is time to take action. Actually I think we should have done something a long time ago before it got this serious. This is the only planet we've got. It's not what it used to be and our resources are decreasing more quickly everyday. And it won't be too long before we get on the verge of tipping over the edge. So everyone should contribute a little to helping save our planet.

Dec 8, 2009 at 2:10 PM

I think that green peace is doing the right thing. We should all take action into stopping climate change. The climate change is changing everybody lives by either making the weather cold or hot. We should all contribute to changing this and helping to stop climate change . We should do everything we can to stop this because it gets worse. It might be to late to change later on so we should start now.
big grin

Dec 8, 2009 at 3:14 PM

Greenpeace is right we have to take action. the world is ours to take care of and we should instead of abusing it like we are now. the world is ours but if we continue to waste it we will soon find ourselves in need of a new one.

Leona Ma
Dec 8, 2009 at 10:44 PM

Lately you hear about all these natural disasters destroying peoples lives. This problem has been around for years, but the number of fatalities hasn't been high enough for us to care. The main reason why this issue is surfacing so rapidly recently is because it is starting to affect US. All we care about is us. People say that with great power comes greater responsibility but we as a society have not been very responsibile and we are ultimately paying the price.

Dec 9, 2009 at 11:04 PM

This quote explains that our world is heating up because of gases in the atmosphere, killing people, plants, and animals. This is bad because pretty soon almost all the places on the coasts will flood and we will have to evacuate millions of people. This will crowd many cities and lots of people may not be evacuated and will die. People won’t be the only thing affected. Many animals that depend on ice burgs will die to because the ice burgs are melting. If we don’t take an action to stop now, the Earth will continue to get polluted and it will continue to get heated up.

Angela Wu
Dec 10, 2009 at 9:41 AM

The world isn't going to end in 2012, but it'll end sooner if we don't start taking actions now. The problem is, is that people are is either too lazy or unable to help because of stupid wars and greed. The world doesn't need us, we need it. So what if being earth-friendly is costly, so what if it's not as efficient. One person can make a difference, but can't change the world. We need the world to set aside their religious, economic, and political differences before it's too late to do anything.

Dec 11, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I totally agree, this is right, we do need to fix, our world, global wamring is takin over confused

Dec 11, 2009 at 11:30 AM

i totally agree that the Climate change is real and it is happening right now!!

Nancy Le
Dec 12, 2009 at 12:03 AM

I agree with Greenpeace International, because we are experiencing jurassic changes that can affect the whole world whether it is directly or indirectly, whether it is occuring near us, or if it is at the other side of the world, it can have a great impact on us in the future. These climate changes that are occuring is substantial because of the amount of greenhouse gasses that, globally, we are emitting at a rate that would take years to repair even if we start right now. And I feel that we should try to undo what we have done in the past or at least help lessen the damage to an extent where no more people would die of these climate changes. We should really think about the repercussions of our actions so that instead of harming others, we could thrive to create an enviroment that is safe for people all over the world and lead us away from the downfalls of global warming.

Gabriel Gana
Dec 14, 2009 at 1:22 PM

What Greenpeace is saying is true, we must take action now in order to save our planet. Look around the world today and what do you see? Calamities and disasters linked to climate change abound the news in every part of the globe. People are dying due to climate change. We must act now if we are to save our world before it is to late.

Justin Sorsdahl
Dec 14, 2009 at 1:30 PM

Most wanted change in the way we live to reduce our emisions globally but how will this happen if countries like china, india and U.S.A do not make that much of an effort to even take part in all of these.

David Marchand
Dec 14, 2009 at 5:19 PM

This is a serious issue and it seems like people are laxing at it assuming they don't need to take action until issues start to happen. News flash, they have been for awhile now. It's time to wake up and smell the dying roses here people, immediate and severe action is required. We need to sharply decrease our emissions; yes, it is a global issue, but not everyone should have to pitch in an equal role in this crisis. The pecking order begins at the top, with countries such as the United States, Canada and Australia, whom are producing shocking numbers. These well off countries are going to need to take a hit for the team and cut back immensely. Our standard of living must drop in order to meet the capacity of greenhouse gases in this wonderful planet that we are taking ever so for granted.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-14 at 09:26 PM by: dmarchand

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:23 PM

That quote is one of the most important things to know. 150 000 people are dying from climate change and there are people who have no idea what they're doing is affecting the earth to this extent. If we don't stop climate change soon, there will be many more than 150 000 to die in a year. The future has to change for the better, otherwise we might as well say bye to our planet and everything on it.

Dec 14, 2009 at 5:25 PM

i believe that some of these comments are very true. Dying ecosystems and coral reefs are being destroyed. The message should be loud and clear now that we have seen the destruction we are doing to our world. WE have to take action now, or else our world will be nothing. Reducing our ecological footprint would be a start.


David Marchand
Dec 14, 2009 at 7:04 PM

Thats a good point, it is US that need to respond to this issue effectively and immediately. People seem to be jumping at the oppertunity to throw around the blame and/or consider it " not their problem " Well the Europeans conquering many First Nations tribes were not many of our problems but their repemendations are still being payed to this day, so I really dont care who started it, it's how WE finish it.

Ysabel Garcia
Dec 15, 2009 at 3:39 AM

It is time for action to take place to save future generation from experiencing further and much more severe environment conditions. Devising a plan regarding the excessive use of our resources and the pollution done may turn matters around for good. We cannot just continue to be ignorant of these issues up to the point that it is far too late to repair all the damages done on our planet. And although a protocol could be made due to the concern to our environment, the chances of conflict will increase because many are way too greedy to sacrifice in order to improve the condition of Earth. Simple actions that we commit no matter how small will have its mark on our planet, therefore, if more people plan to do more good than harm to our planet, the better it will be in the future.

David Marchand
Dec 15, 2009 at 10:13 AM

The better it will be, perhaps. Do we really know to what extent the little things we do are actually doing to the environment ? I don't believe that the everyday things are going to do much good UNLESS the governments around the world are all on the same page. It needs to be clear cut, this is what were doing, when, how, no if's and's or but's about it. Furthermore, I find it astonishing how such a crisis is on the bottom of importance for these so called "leaders" we elected.

gabriel vrhovac
Dec 15, 2009 at 10:21 PM

The idea that everyone will change in time for the climate crisis to slow down enough or even stop is a little far fetched especially with the deadline of 2015 for reducing our carbon emission by 80% closing in on us. Is it too late to do anything?

melissa bachlelder
Jan 5, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I definitely agree with the green peace quotation. The world is changing all around us and it is happening very fast. We need to take action now.The problem is many people don't want to believe this because it means they will have to change some habits and adapt a slightly different life style.What they might not realize is that it is also affecting people all around the world is serious ways.Our beautiful world is being destroyed by man. We must take action now before it is to late.

Jan 6, 2010 at 9:03 PM

i think that they are doing the right thing by calling action. This is not only 1 country's problem now. Its the whole world. Instead having select individuals work on changing things, why not have the whole world pitch in. What the greenpeace did was totally right. I support them with all i have and hope that other people do. Instead of just sitting and waiting for something huge and terrible to happen, we should avoid it by all costs by trying to do something about. Everyone has to put an effort if we hope to change things.

Jan 7, 2010 at 12:19 AM

Yes we do need to take action now! We needed start a long time ago actually, but it seems human kind has just been too lazy. We take and take, but we never stop to give back to help the envirroment. The way we are using up tree's, wasting garbage, and creating more pollution everyday. The more demands we make from factories, or the more we drive, creates disturbing peace among the envirroment. So to stop and think howare we supposed to get our benefits, but get beneifts for the envirroment. Yes, we have made efficient cars and other materials, but is that really enough? We need to start taking a lot more action if we want to see 2012 poeple!

Jan 7, 2010 at 10:24 AM

It is obvious to citizens around the world that we need to take action against climate change but political leaders are still blind. Apparently the signs of global warming that are present now aren't enough to warrent attention or change. We need something big and loud to get the attention of everyone so that the world can reform.

Youssef Merhi
Jan 7, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Climate change is everywhere, and global warming is rapidly occurring. The Greenpeace's quotation is right. We must do something to stop this crazy global warming, but it doesn't seem like they are doing anything. They say we need to change the way you live, and yet here we are living our lives like we always do, polluting the world and now sooner or later, nothing good is going to be left in the world.

Jan 7, 2010 at 6:33 PM

I believe that it is imperative that we take action now! For if we don't, the consequences will potentially be catastrophic. If the world comes to an end, so will the human race. =(

Jan 7, 2010 at 7:14 PM

I agree with this quotation because it is pretty ovious that climate change is happening and this can be seen very clearly. Though one thing that im not very sure about is the fact that 150,000 people die each year because of climate. Also another point that i see is that people are trying to help the enviornment but those people that are, are a minority and the others are perhaps blinded by the desire to make money/profit, even though they have gotten many wake up calls over the past years. We should stop taking our planet for granted becasue before we know we might not have a place to call a home anymore.

cassidy r
Jan 7, 2010 at 10:59 PM

I believe that we are and will continue to pay the price for the narrow minded perspective we hold so dear. 6.8% of the 58.8% of the population that voted in the 2008 federal election voted for the Green Party, the Progression Conservatives had the most at 37.6%-that is extremely sad considering the state we are in. That means that only 1,129,231.66 of 33,212,696 wanted to start reversing our negative effects on our planet, in Canada alone. I have a feeling that in a couple of year green peace is going to be saying “I told you so” when the world we have taken for granted starts to fall apart around us. I know I’m not the only one who would like to say thanks or good job or other words and actions of encouragement to green peace in their efforts to lift the veil from our stubborn eyes.

Jan 8, 2010 at 12:36 AM

I agree. Unfortunately, me, like many others, can only do that - just agree. It seems that as much as we want to do something about climate change there is very little being done by us kids. There must be some way for us to be able to take action easier because it's a little hard to find methods and sources of materials/etc, to get green. LED lightbulbs easily surpass fluorescent (and are healthier) in energy efficiency. Unfortunately, they are only sold in the US currently. There must be some easier way to get a hold of greener items, and for those expensive ones, maybe a price cut (thanks to our wonderful government =P).

Younis Soufi
Jan 8, 2010 at 1:38 PM

Of course this is the time to start making changes for if these global issues were just left aside, who knows what harmful things will be waiting for us in the near future. It may take quite some time and lots of money to restore the earth's climate back to normal but in the long run, everyone will be satisfied. so the longer the world decides on weather or not to do something, the longer and harder it'll take to restore everything.