Break Out #1: Climate Change - At Home and Around the Globe

Dec 16, 2009 at 7:54 AM by Terry Godwaldt

1. What human activities, locally, nationally, and globally contribute to climate change? (Start by focusing on the local issues.)

2. Many people believe we have a global crisis due to climate change. What is happening at a local and global level to indicate we are experiencing climate change?

3. Conversely, many people do not believe we have a global crisis due to climate change. What do they base their beliefs on?

55 Replies

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:11 AM

human activities, locally, nationally, and globally contribute to climate change.Many people believe we have a global crisis due to climate change.

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:25 AM

1. Some things that affect climate change locally, nationally, and globally are recycling, paper use, transportation, can recycling, garbage pick up and disposal, oil sands, forestry, and our very own political figures.
2. Locally some results of global warming are severe climate change and seasons coming months later. Globally some northern countries are experiencing warmer weather.
3.People are denying the fact that we are going through climate change due to global warming. I think the reason these people are in denial is because they have yet to be vastly affected by global warming and until it hits them smack in the face they will continue to be ignorant of the issue.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:28 AM

Humans are creatures of adaptation. We create what we need to survive due to our lack of biological adaptations. We created goggles to see underwater, a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) gear to breathe under water, and the thing that contributes mostly to global climate change, cars to move to farther places faster. No matter where we are we use cars to move around. But if were travelling over seas or large gaps of lands we use planes. These all contribute in the raise in temperature around the world.

Locally, people are demanding more greener products from manufacturers like Apple and HP. But around the globe, countries are coming together and making pacts to cut there emissions and minimize there ecological footprints.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 11:29 AM by: ToastyXD

Steve Morley
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:35 AM

During the Copenhagen conference, how are the developing countries and developed countries cooperating or clashing on the issues that are being presented?

Abdallah Abu-Saris
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:36 AM

Climate change, happening or not, is affecting the way we livesad

However, what makes it happen, i beleive is unknown. Some say its the overuse of heat, some say its the carbon emissions building up. which is true? you cant know, however, we can use these as stepping stones to find the real problem.

Whether its really the green house effect or the exessive use of heat genretors, it (whatever it is) is still affecting us BIGTIME. You have the largest chunks of ice melting in the two poles, polar bears sinking, floods more common, and frozen bugs start to annoy us. And that only came from one thing.

Based on theories, people believe that what they do will trigger a new ice age that will fix everything for them, and as humans, we preffer such hopes.

Christopher Lyon
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:36 AM

Good point Toasty!

Does anyone think we can live without planes and cars?

David Marchand
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:40 AM

Of course we can live without planes and cars but I doubt very many people are willing to give them up.

Steve Morley
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM

By the way, the American Nicaraguan School has been having technical difficulties, and have been trying to connect the microphone- sorry we haven't been able to actively participate but we will be posting our comments and questions on this discussion board. Thank you!

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:43 AM

1. What human activities, locally, nationally, and globally contribute to climate change? (Start by focusing on the local issues.)

North america has a very high standard of living and i personally think that the main contributor to climate change is peoples perspective on the world, and if we continue with this view then we will contribute even more to global warming.

2. Many people believe we have a global crisis due to climate change. What is happening at a local and global level to indicate we are experiencing climate change?

I am not experiencing any change in Canada mainly because we are in the global north and live a well off life.

3. Conversely, many people do not believe we have a global crisis due to climate change. What do they base their beliefs on?

I have two friends who don't mind that global warming is happening, they think we are already at our tipping point and they thing we have already passed it. They find that we may as well live our lives as we always have. My other friends find that not much people in the world live like he does so it doesn't effect the world as much as it would normally if everyone lived as he does.

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:46 AM

I read in the paper this morning that the big C02 producers; China and the U.S are trying to okeep promises to kepp CO2 emmisions under wraps

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:47 AM

semorley wrote:

By the way, the American Nicaraguan School has been having technical difficulties, and have been trying to connect the microphone- sorry we haven't been able to actively participate but we will be posting our comments and questions on this discussion board. Thank you!

Well I hope you guys have no problems and if their is, I hope their all resolved. Fix them quick because your missing out on the fun big grin XD.


Dec 16, 2009 at 11:47 AM

When I was a child, it snowed in winter and enough rain in the summer for crop growth, but now, I seldom see snow any more, it rains so heavily that flood occurs in some years and there is rare rain in ohter years, that all the crop died and the local people face hungry and short of drinkging water. I can't image what would happen if it develops without controlling.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 11:53 AM by: wwhhl

Debra Davidson
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:51 AM

Is it the responsibility of developed countries to take the lead in mitigaiton? Definitely! The vast majority of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere today are FROM the developed countries! AND they have the resources to do something about it.
It may not show in Copenhagen but many many Canadians are embarrassed about the position taken by our nation in negotiations.

Debra Davidson
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM

You're right on. Those countries that run the global economy today are steeped in a culture that embraces a 'me first' 'today first' mentality, and that does not translate into responsibility for others, especially future generations.

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:56 AM

We arne't all happy with the action certain people take in the stand against global warming and I would like to see leadership in multiple countries.

Do you think countries should make comprimises to benefit the future?

Christopher Lyon
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Canadians are experiencing climate change. The Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic in BC and now spreading into Alberta, is driven in part by climate change. Winters are not cold enough to kill the beetles. These beetles have the potential to spread across North America.

In the far North, we're also seeing severe impacts on animals, plants and people. There is a good report here on some of things happening with climate change in the far north:

Debra Davidson
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Yes we are! our species has an amazing capacity to adapt to chaging conditions. But today we also like to think that we can control the universe, and don't think we need to adapt, especially when we are not being forced to. That is one big reason that reliance on voluntary mechanisms alone are highly unlikely tomake a big difference, we need political action.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 11:58 AM

ChrisGradMentor wrote:

Good point Toasty!

Does anyone think we can live without planes and cars?

Why thank you very much XD. Anyways though, we can live without because they are a want not a need to live. They just help us move faster but, as someone just said we are not willingly to let them go because we are a rush society where we want to do something fast. Plus ships are also contributing to this mass climate change, just think about it. People who have the cash, go on a cruise ship that literally takes up thousands of gallons of fuel just to move about 5 knots.

Dec 16, 2009 at 11:58 AM

@ Toasty

I think what you are trying to get at is that this will all be fixed by the economy. I disagree with you because it would take to long for green products to become practically, one thing we need is time and we don't have it. Countries like Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya are going to take years to adapt to "green" products.

Debra Davidson
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Actually we do know. the scientific evidnce is quite clear. The rapid climate change we are esxperiencing, and which is threatening our ecosystems and social systems, is caused by greenhouse gasses, the vast majority of which come from burning fossil fuels. So everything YOU do that requires energy, espcially from coal and oil, contirbutes to climate change.

Gabriel Gana
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:01 PM

1.) The human activities that contribute to climate change may be as little as driving one's car, turning up the heat during winter, and leaving electronic appliances on or as great as the process of extracting oil from the tar sands and environmental regulations ignored by huge corporations. Nonetheless,the impact such activities have on the world leave us to the question on how we are to remedy this problem. We are the ones who are causing this so we might as well fix the problem at the beginning before it is too late.
2.)People see that climate change is happening all around us. Look outside your window and see what the weather is like. Now look at the news from your home and from around the world. Droughts in Africa, three thyphoons hitting the Philippines in a month, unstable weather patterns in SW US and Carribean. Even from where I am now, Calgary, one minute we have sun, next we have snow. We already are experiencing climate change as we speak and the consequences are just right outside your door.
3.) When people discuss climate change, there are those who insinuate that climate change is a hoax and is just a theory. But what do they base their conclusions at? Their disbelief at the obvious may be due to ignorance and the fact that they have never been affected by it, be it directly or indirectly. If they were to watch the news as we speak, they will see the effects that climate change is real. The concrete evidence is right by their door steps. Only a fool would not be able to see what the obvious truly is.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:01 PM

The countires with the most CO2 emmisions need to get green fast after those giants are greener then we focus on smaller countries to help them go green.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:02 PM

@ Canadian-Eh

So EDWIN thanks for your harsh yet quite true criticism, but thats your opinion and that was my opinion.

But we are all being affected (or effected?) by climate change and there is evidence around the world. Canada and the pine beetles (like Chris mentioned totally stole my words XD) Greenland and its melting ice, and the erosion of land on the coastline of Alaska (I think I forgot but don't shoot the messenger XD)

Angelica Maldonado
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:02 PM

1.)I think that locally, we are effecting climate change in both good and bad ways. For example, in our city, there is a lot of litter, most people drive cars and we do create a lot of pollution. however, our municipal government has a city cleanup sometimes, where volunteers go around the city and pick up garbage. Nationally, obviously Canada has a big part in the business of oil and the oil sands. especially Alberta, as most people point out. And globally, i think everyone has a part in climate change. Almost every human activity that we do effects the environment.

2.)Climate change is a global crisis. We are noticing that in the ever-changing temperatures in our cities and decreasing biodiversity around the world along with natural disasters that are a product of climate change. it's noticeable everywhere.

3.)I think people are basing their opinion of "nothing serious is happening", on past events. for example, someone may say "its no big deal, we've had ice ages, droughts, and other periods of climate change, we've gotten over it". people think that any climate change can be conquered. but the way we're heading, it will lead us to a "point of no return".

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM

I think the biggest problem the COP15 faces is the option of harm to economy or to environment. All the countries want both the presperous economy and sustainable environment, but who would take resposibility for the global wariming, and how to reduce the GHG emission? by technical or financial suupoort from the rich countries or by the third world nations themselves or both should do something for it?

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:08 PM

- Locally: Since Alberta has a huge land mass, our cities are widely spread out. This means that commuting is a definite issue. This means more cars, buses, trains and other transportations are being utilized and produced, making the people of Alberta massive greenhouse gas emitters.
- Nationally: Alberta possess the world’s most valuable and largest tar sands (predicted to last for another hundred years) where oil is extracted using non-eco-friendly ways. Although Alberta is making a lot of money from these tar sands, the extracted oil pollutes the environment and contributes to the rising temperatures of the world.
- Globally: As producers and consumers, we are definitely affecting the world in a negative way. The more we consume and produce, the more the earth’s resources are entitled to extinction. For us to reverse this effect, we, as consumers, we must demand more ecofriendly products / or less products to be produced. Also, producers must control their production.

Hurricanes, typhoons (3 in a month in the Philippines), droughts and floods indicate that we are experiencing a global crisis due to global warming.

They probably base their beliefs on their religion. This is a personal example: my mother told me that we should not worry about global warming because it’s not going to happen. My mother believes (I do too, but I do want to rewind the effects of Global warming) that everything that happens is for a reason, and that God will save us in the long run.

Mohammad Mezbahuddin Symon
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:09 PM

We have done a lot of harm to our environment so far. But are we gonna be so late to react against this problem?

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:10 PM

"1.)" The human activities that contribute to climate change may be as little as driving one's car, turning up the heat during winter, and leaving electronic appliances on or as great as the process of extracting oil from the tar sands and environmental regulations ignored by huge corporations. Nonetheless,the impact such activities have on the world leave us to the question on how we are to remedy this problem. We are the ones who are causing this so we might as well fix the problem at the beginning before it is too late."

The problem has already been addressed, we all don't need to regurgitate everything we hear. This has gotten addressed already by many different countries and many different people.

2.)"People see that climate change is happening all around us. Look outside your window and see what the weather is like. Now look at the news from your home and from around the world. Droughts in Africa, three thyphoons hitting the Philippines in a month, unstable weather patterns in SW US and Carribean. Even from where I am now, Calgary, one minute we have sun, next we have snow. We already are experiencing climate change as we speak and the consequences are just right outside your door."

These extreme climate changes have always been happening and we cannot suddenly realize that it snows one time and then it gets sunny, well... its called seasons.

3.) "When people discuss climate change, there are those who insinuate that climate change is a hoax and is just a theory. But what do they base their conclusions at? Their disbelief at the obvious may be due to ignorance and the fact that they have never been affected by it, be it directly or indirectly. If they were to watch the news as we speak, they will see the effects that climate change is real. The concrete evidence is right by their door steps. Only a fool would not be able to see what the obvious truly is."

We need too fix this problem using the time that we currently have, for example we cannot mess up our economy by rapidly changing our ways. We should work on fixing poverty, hunger and security, those are higher priorities.

Christopher Lyon
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:10 PM

Countries like Somalia, Ethiopia and others have very low carbon footprints because they do not have the income to consume products like countries in the global North. They may be horribly polluted in place due to lack of environmental regulation, but because they do not burn vast quantities of fossil fuels, their contribution to global climate change is very very small compared more industrialised and developed places.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:15 PM

Countries like Somalia are very effected by global warming, for example in the 2004 tusasmi, somalia was greatly effected and 200 people were killed and many more people still experience the effects from it because of richer countries pollution.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:16 PM

1. We all live in different parts of their world, and therefore our methods of contributing to climate change varies. Where we live, we find ways of helping the stop of global warming in various ways like, changing our light bulbs, unplugging electronics when they're not in use, insulating, recycyling etc. Our city has recently just started a recycling program, where recycling bins have been given to each home, and they have also been set up in public places, like malls, train stations etc.

2. Over the passing years of living in Canada, we have noticed a quite weird change in our daily weather. For example, our weather has switched from hot to cold etc. Our polar bears are drowning due to the fact that ice glaciers are melting and they have grown so desperate for food, they they have resorted to canbalism.

3.The earth renews itself every 26, 000 years and some people would look toward their religion anf beliefs, believing that they will be saved.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:21 PM

cma5 wrote:

We arne't all happy with the action certain people take in the stand against global warming and I would like to see leadership in multiple countries.

Do you think countries should make comprimises to benefit the future?

I agree with u that to reduce the GHG emission is responsibility of all the countries, but the fact is that not all the nations are in the same fortune situation, many countries, like the developed nations, are pretty wealthy and have the money or technonlogies for this, but for the countries in Africa, who is alos the victim, whose economy is underdevelopment, they don't even have much emission and how could u expect them to reduce GHG emission? and now in the COP15, the focus is that how can the developed countries can do for it, and you know people from these countries have to admit that the GHG cause the global warming is mainly from the industralization of the developed countries.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:21 PM

People say we are already past the point of no return and I'm not certain if that's true or not but I have hope that if we act now we can stop further devastation of Earth.

David Marchand
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM

You brought up a good point with religeon there. I feel that people's religeons are acting as an inhibitor. How can we effectively get people involved if many of them feel that they will be saved by their religous beliefs?

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM

1. people don't recycle enough and factories burn fossil fuels.

2. Everyone drives by themselves too much and that releases too much carbon in the air.

3. People are basing their beliefs on the fact that factories are burning fossil fuels and the government ins't saying that climate change is bad. Only everyday people like you and me are saying that it is bad, so they don't listen to the facts. They can't possibly believe that this is what our Earth is coming to.

Mohammad Mezbahuddin Symon
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:22 PM

Everybody is talking about the responsibility of the developed countries. But what about the developing countries who are mostly suffering from the bad impacts of climate change? Don't we have a responsibility as a developing country to save ourselves? As a citizen of Bangladesh I think so. We are actually well behind having an effective environmental protection plan rather we are still fighting for the basic needs. I am currently doing my PhD research on impact of temperature and precipitation change on our natural ecosystem at University of Alberta, Canada. My purpose is to gain some insights to combat the impacts my country is facing. But there's a big question growing in my mind. Will I be able to imply these knowledge back home? Or there'll be our OWN political problem?

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:26 PM

We first need to focus on reducing green house gases in big polluting countires like China & U.S.A. After that these developed countires can join forces to help underdeveloped countries reduce their emmisions. We need to take out the big problems and then focus on the smaller ones.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:27 PM

ChrisGradMentor wrote:

Good point Toasty!

Does anyone think we can live without planes and cars?

You got the poit that these transportation is of great improtance for our daily life, and which also the big source of GHG. It is hard to make people not to use cars or planes, but we can use the renewable energy, like hydrogen, solar panel etc. which can significantly reduce the GHG.

Katie Sutton
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM


Calebe Dias Gonçalves
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM

Response to question nº 1: All actions are connected, but the capitalism ideas are tough and we need urgentily star changing these ideas.

Response to question nº 2: The climate regional or global is not the same anymore. Some regions are getting drier and drier and rainings are being concentrated in a same region.
More and more phenomena are reaching different places. Peolple and animals are suffering more and more.

Response to question nº 3: In a global level people think that this is a natural phenomenum (e.g. ice age) and the nature provides everything always. Thus, the world never gonna be destroyed.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Addressing to question #2:
In the past four years since I immigrated to Calgary, winter usually starts in late October. Today we were currently experiencing winter in December where we are experiencing heavy precipitation of snow. Calgary’s weather has been dramatically cold than it’s ever been in many years.
Globally, everyone in the world is affected by climate change. While Africa is in a drought, the Philippines is flooded by typhoons striking them three times in a row, in a week, in a month, killing many lives! The melting of massive glaciers have drowned many Polar Bears and the warmer weather has brought up cases of “Polar Griz”, half breeds of polar bears and grizzly bears. Clearly, there is no doubt that this is not a phase where earth is renewing itself, it is a sign that we are crossing the limitations of what mother nature can sustain.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:34 PM

cma5 wrote:

We first need to focus on reducing green house gases in big polluting countires like China & U.S.A. After that these developed countires can join forces to help underdeveloped countries reduce their emmisions. We need to take out the big problems and then focus on the smaller ones.

for Cam5,
I agree with u that developed countries should conduct reduction in their own countries as well as help other countries about it. But one thing I would like to correct is that China is still a developing countries and it has released plan to reduce GHG emission by 20% by 2020. One more thing is that the small things can also make big after a while, so I think all the countries around the world should contribute to it together, but the developed nation more, and the developeing countries less now until they have the ability to increse the reduction.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 12:35 PM by: wwhhl

David Marchand
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:34 PM

Thats the problem, people are wasting too much time debating whether this issue is real or not when its been proven countless times again with scientific backing how this is a real issue and what we need to do. All this talk is useless, what we need to do is get a move on.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:39 PM

dmarchand wrote:

Thats the problem, people are wasting too much time debating whether this issue is real or not when its been proven countless times again with scientific backing how this is a real issue and what we need to do. All this talk is useless, what we need to do is get a move on.

EXACTLY like seriously, why are they spending all this money which is like millions of dollar dollar bills y'all. When they can spend that to actually do something.

It's all about the dollar dollar bills y'all!

Deyante Hewitt
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:41 PM

We as Calgarians have the amazing reputations as being the home of the tar sands. This obviously doesnt help our enviorment at a local level, and whether or not we acknowledge it affects the global enviorment.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:42 PM

mezbahud wrote:

We have done a lot of harm to our environment so far. But are we gonna be so late to react against this problem?

for mezbahud,
I don't think it is not too late to act up for the global warming control. we just realize the serious result of it and it is ther very time to take action for it. even it is late to do so, as the adage says it is better to late than never, we can mitigate the process of it and decreace its influence on our life.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 12:44 PM by: wwhhl

David Marchand
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:43 PM

ToastyXD wrote:

dmarchand wrote:

Thats the problem, people are wasting too much time debating whether this issue is real or not when its been proven countless times again with scientific backing how this is a real issue and what we need to do. All this talk is useless, what we need to do is get a move on.

EXACTLY like seriously, why are they spending all this money which is like millions of dollar dollar bills y'all. When they can spend that to actually do something.

It's all about the dollar dollar bills y'all!

Unfortunately thats the problem, we are way too concerned about our materialistic possessions than we are our home and the home for our children. This is ridiculous how childish we are asking, being so stubborn to change our greedy ways.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:44 PM

deyantehew53 wrote:

We as Calgarians have the amazing reputations as being the home of the tar sands. This obviously doesnt help our enviorment at a local level, and whether or not we acknowledge it affects the global enviorment.

*coughs*EdmontonIsHomeOfTheOILERS*coughs* anyways though Calgary. Were the Oilers OIL you know mostly coming from the Tar Sands I think were actually HOME of the TAR SANDS.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM

dmarchand wrote:

ToastyXD wrote:

dmarchand wrote:

Thats the problem, people are wasting too much time debating whether this issue is real or not when its been proven countless times again with scientific backing how this is a real issue and what we need to do. All this talk is useless, what we need to do is get a move on.

EXACTLY like seriously, why are they spending all this money which is like millions of dollar dollar bills y'all. When they can spend that to actually do something.

It's all about the dollar dollar bills y'all!

Unfortunately thats the problem, we are way too concerned about our materialistic possessions than we are our home and the home for our children. This is ridiculous how childish we are asking, being so stubborn to change our greedy ways.

I mean that we should USE the money on DOING something to HELP the ENVIRONMENT instead of WASTING it on BROADCASTING a message.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:51 PM

I think that every body contributes to climate change. It's not right to point fingers at certain countries,but in order to beat climate change is to all work together as a group and we can overcome climate change. Together.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:51 PM

Good Question ToastyXD, big grin
The discovery of cars and planes happened not to long ago and before that people have been living without this convienience for many many years.
But after being so dependedent on them I find it hard to believe for people to stop using them. This innovation has helped contribute to glabalizing the world and made many developed nations rich.
In Canada, we have really spacious cities and really cold winters so I find it hard to live without one. I just wish our government would regulate a bicycle policy in the summer or something.

This post was edited on: 2009-12-16 at 12:57 PM by: mfteeves

Lee Hightower
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:52 PM

"I am not experiencing any change in Canada mainly because we are in the global north and live a well off life."

Some people in Canada may think it the same way. In fact, the temperature increase more at the high latitude area. Our environment is changing from extremely cold to cold. People may feel litter in this change.

My research focuses on phenology of aspen in western Canada. It studies the timing of bud burst, or flowering. The research shows that the timing comes much earlier compared with 10-30 year ago.

In this case, global north is affected more than other place. The problem is human has less sensitivity to this change.

Dec 16, 2009 at 12:57 PM

The human activities that make climate change worse are things like driving a car short distances with 1 person inside. Some people don't use efficient vehicles when they can, usually because of the more expensive prices.

Places are getting obviously hotter and nearby lakes are disappearing. If people can't get water because of global warming, they cant help but notice and do something about it. The glaciers are also melting and causing the sea to rise to a extremely dangerous level.

My guess would be profit. The people in businesses want to make money. The high up people are probably going to die before climate change affects them, so they take advantage of the environment while they can.

Brandon Van Nguyen
Dec 16, 2009 at 12:59 PM

Nice point Troung. Many lakes that are diminutive are disappearing quickly like the lakes in Russia (I CALL IT RUSSIA XD)

David Roberts
Dec 16, 2009 at 1:08 PM

XD, you say that "we should USE the money on DOING something to HELP the ENVIRONMENT instead of WASTING it on BROADCASTING a message."

Do you think solving the climate problem requires only money? What about innovation? Sacrifice?

One doesn't have to look far to witness the confusion regarding climate change science. In Canada, "belief" in climate change science has been waning in past years. I would argue that this, in itself, makes broadcasting the climate change message of paramount importance. Thoughts?